Welcome to Covalon, a Pathfinder 2nd Edition living world campaign! Our campaign offers players a way to experience the Pathfinder 2e roleplaying game at their own pace. Whether you want to dive into dangerous dungeons every other day or just do a bit of text roleplaying a couple of times a month, Covalon has something for everyone.
Covalon is a “living world” style tabletop RPG campaign, using the Pathfinder 2e system, with a focus on providing drop-in/drop-out style adventures and role play in a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting. Our unique campaign weaves a cohesive and open narrative from the backstory and role play contributions of the players with a focus on slow and relaxed progression, giving everyone a chance to enjoy the campaign and develop their chaorracter at their own pace. Individual adventures are jam-packed with combat and intrigue without affecting an overarching plot, which allows characters to have engaging experiences without needing to worry atrbout missing out on a grander narrative. Whether you choose to play with us daily or once a week, Covalon offers fulfilling gameplay for everyone! To make this cohesive setting work, we have some special rules that you may find different from normal campaigns. In general, we try to stick to rules-as-written (RAW) as much as possible, in order to ensure that scheduled play sessions (universally referred to as “adventures” in Covalon) are run as fairly and consistently as possible between our many Game Masters (universally referred to as “dungeon guides” in Covalon). While we encourage players to invent civilizations and deities to fill out our setting, we place strict limits on homebrewed mechanical features, such as items and class features, and we do not use certain optional rules such as voluntary flaws, free archetypes, and dual classing. There are, of course, some exceptions to these rules, which can be found in this ever-updating document.
This section covers the behavior expectations players agree to uphold while participating in Covalon, as well as a guide for getting started in the campaign.
All players are expected to follow the expectations and guidelines outlined on this page. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary consequences, such as being temporarily muted, prohibited from joining adventures, or being banned from the campaign.
The purpose of this community is to have a place where everyone is welcome, and can have fun playing Pathfinder together. With this in mind, we have these guidelines to make sure everyone enjoys their experience in Covalon.
All players must be 18 years of age or older. In addition to this, all characters must be of adult age for their species in order to prevent uncomfortable role playing situations.
This is a diverse community of many countries, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, and beliefs. Disrespectful talk of any kind will not be tolerated.
Although the minimum age requirement to join the server is 18, all out of character conversations and role playing themes must be kept appropriate for a PG-13 rating. Additionally, the following topics and themes are not permitted to be discussed or role played on the server
Finally, please limit discussion of your personal difficulties within Covalon. We are a supportive community, but the primary goal of the server is to roll dice and have fun.
Do not threaten or harass other users. This includes “doxxing,” or revealing any private information about a player without their consent. It also includes pressuring another player to sell, give away, or donate items they receive from an adventure. Do not engage in unsolicited or unwanted sexual advances or conversations of a personal sexual nature. These types of conversations should be limited to Discord direct messaging, and only after receiving the explicit consent of all involved users.
Despite our best efforts, sometimes we come into conflict with others. You can find guidance on how Covalon manages conflicts between players in this guide
Covalon does not allow players to have multiple Discord accounts within the server.
Self-promotion should be kept to a reasonable limit, and should use the proper channels. For example, if you want to advertise your artistic talents, use the #artwork channel.
All suggestions for the server or sensitive concerns should be brought to the private attention of the Administrator and Moderator teams via the ticket system, which can be accessed via the #create-a-ticket channel in the Discord server. }}
We take the safety of our community very seriously. If at any point, you feel harassed, threatened, or uncomfortable, please #create-a-ticket. The Administrators and Moderators will investigate the situation and take action appropriately.
These guidelines should be observed during role playing, whether in an adventure or in the Discord text channels.
Do not narrate what another character says or does. Player actions are to be decided by the players themselves. This is a collaborative storytelling setting, please don’t force someone to change their character or story to suit your needs.
Do not be excessively violent or sexually explicit. Conversation topics and roleplay themes should be kept appropriate for a PG-13 rating.
Your player character must be the character you use for roleplay; you cannot roleplay as NPCs. You may roleplay as your familiar, eidolon, or companion, but you may only actively roleplay in a single roleplay channel at a time.
Please restrict dice rolling in text channels to their designated channels.
While charity and acts of kindness are encouraged in Covalon, please do not pressure or coerce other players into providing assistance that they have not offered.
Any player vs. player (PvP) conflicts that require rolling dice must have explicit OOC consent of both parties before commencing. If you are expecting role play with another player that involves conflict, please ensure you obtain their consent first. Once you have both agreed, please #create-a-ticket (adding all involved players) to inform the Moderator team of the expected narrative and outcome.
These guidelines should be observed during adventures, though some of them also apply to gameplay outside of adventures.
During encounter mode, try to prepare your actions before your turn to ensure you are being courteous of everyone’s time.
Give other players an opportunity to participate equally; try not to dominate an adventure by speaking or acting more than others.
You are in charge of keeping accurate records of your inventory, currency, and character options.
Do not try to “metagame” or exploit the game system for mechanical advantage. This includes accessing out-of-character (OOC) information to make decisions in-character (IC), such as looking up the abilities and statistics of creatures on Archives of Nethys while in the middle of a game.
Character deaths in Covalon are permanent. If your character dies, you will need to create a new one to continue playing. If you wish to insure your character against death, you can purchase a Contract of Terran Revival for your character, which will give them protection against the next time they would die.
During an adventure, the Game Master or “Dungeon Guide” has the final say on interpretation of rules. Please do not argue rulings during an adventure. If you have questions or concerns about a Dungeon Guide’s rulings during an adventure, you may privately message them after the game or #create-a-ticket.
Text RP should be legible and understandable. Generally, actions should be formatted in italics, “speech should be formatted in quotes,” ||and OOC comments should be formatted behind a spoiler.|| Try not to use OOC text often. Please do not post images or gifs in roleplay channels.
Ready to start playing? Please read the following for instructions on getting started in Covalon.
We take the safety of our community very seriously, and require all players to know our Player Expectations section of this guide.
If you’d like, you can tell us a little bit about yourself in the #player-introductions channel. We would love to know more about the player behind the character.
The Character Creation section of this guide will walk you through the steps to create a character appropriate for the Covalon campaign. You’ll want to brush up on the Campaign Lore section of this guide before writing your character’s backstory. If you need assistance, feel free to ask questions in the #newbie-help-and-discussion channel.
Once you’ve finished creating your character, #create-a-ticket and send a link of your digital character sheet to the Administrators and Moderators (see the next section for sheet suggestions). If there are any problems with your character, they will walk you through the necessary steps to correct them.
After your character has been approved, introduce them by making a post in the #character-introduction channel. Feel free to add artwork, and please include any information about them that you wish to be publicly known, such as their age, ancestry, and gender.
The Citizen Registry in #citizen-directories is used to keep track of character levels, classes, and other useful information. Please update this information as you gain levels or change aspects about your character.
You’re all set to begin participating in the Covalon campaign! Head into one of the role play channels or look for an adventure to join!
Need some ideas for where to start role playing? Here are some suggestions!
The #heartstone-sanctuary has boarding, food, and baths for all players who can not yet afford a house. You are welcome to stay there at no cost until another option becomes available.
Going to the #infirmary-ground-floor is a good beginning activity. Your character can receive a medical exam and have a patient file created by one of the hospital staff.
The #brass-snail-tavern offers a free meal for newcomers, and is a common social gathering place. Entering the Snail is a great way to signal to other players that you’d like to role play.
There are two primary methods for singing up to play in adventures in Covalon.
Upcoming adventures are posted in the #scheduled-events channel. When a Dungeon Guide has an adventure to run, they’ll make a post in this channel with sign-up instructions and players of the appropriate level will be notified. If an adventure’s roster is full, players can still join a waitlist in case there’s a vacancy.
Players can form pre-made parties in the #lfgm channel and then request a Dungeon Guide to run a certain type of adventure for the party at a particular time. Check the pinned post in the #lfgm channel for specific instructions on how to use it.
Adventures are all run in the Discord voice channels and through Foundry VTT; it’s browser-based and free to access for players. This means you will need a working microphone and access to a desktop browser in order to participate in game sessions.
If you produce any creative works for Covalon, you must agree to the Covalon Creative Works Policy. Any work created by a member of the Covalon Discord server that is shared in the Covalon Discord server or as part of the Covalon campaign (“the campaign”) that is considered eligible for copyright protection by the United States Copyright Act of 1976 (and its revisions) falls under this policy. The creator of the work grants Covalon a non-exclusive license to share or reproduce that work as it pertains to relevance within the campaign. All other rights are reserved by the work’s creator - including ownership and the right to retract this granted license. For more information or to request that your work be removed from the campaign, please #create-a-ticket.
This section details the rules for creating an appropriate character for Covalon. While our campaign uses the base Pathfinder 2nd Edition ruleset, we have some additional restrictions on character creation in order to ensure all characters fit our setting.
Before you can participate in Covalon, you need to create a character. If you don’t own the Pathfinder 2e source books or you’re new to the game, you can find all rules and character options at the Archives of Nethys website. Each player may only have one active character until they reach max level (see Alternate Character rules), so create a character that you’ll love to play!
For the most part, Covalon uses the same character creation rules as the default character creation rules in the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Core Rulebook (CRB), but there are some key differences.
Alternative ability boosts were added during the 4th printing Core Rulebook errata as an option to take two free ability boosts instead of your ancestry’s listed ability boosts and flaws. This option is available to all characters.
Voluntary Flaws - the optional rule to take additional ability flaws - are not allowed.
Covalon does not use any of the following Variant Rules: Free Archetype, Dual-Class PCs, Ancestry Paragon, Proficiency without Level, Mythic Callings, etc.
By default, all common character options, including ancestries, backgrounds, classes, feats and equipment, are allowed in Covalon. Conversely, all uncommon and rarer character options are disallowed by default in Covalon, but many exceptions can be found in our Server Allowlist document. Before selecting any uncommon or rarer character options, please consult the Server Allowlist to make sure they are allowed in Covalon.
Your character’s starting 15 gp may be used to purchase equipment from the following categories:
Please note that the starting equipment your character has access to may be different from what is purchasable from the General Store in Covalon after character creation.
Covalon has special rules for accessing uncommon options during character creation, which are different from accessing uncommon options after character creation.
Some uncommon character options, such as backgrounds and archetypes, are only accessible to characters from certain regions of the world. Covalon exists in a separate world from Golarion so many of these access entries do not apply - check the Server Allowlist to confirm for each option.
All characters have access to classic firearms. This includes most non-magical firearms but notably excludes beast guns, cobbled weapons, and combination weapons.
Covalon does not use any of the Variant Rules systems from the Gamemastery Guide (GMG). This includes Free Archetype, Dual-Class PCs, Ancestry Paragon, Proficiency without Level, etc.
You’ll need to create a backstory for your character that describes who they are and what their life was like prior to joining Covalon. In order to create a character backstory that is cohesive with the campaign’s world, please reference the Campaign Lore section of this guide. The key questions you’ll want to answer for your character’s backstory are:
“What was my character’s life like before the Cataclysm?” “How did the Cataclysm affect my character?” “What’s my character’s motivation for continuing to survive?” In addition, your character must be an immigrant to Covalon and they may not have any NPCs or backstory characters accompany them.
Once you’re ready to submit your character to the Administrators and Moderators for approval, go to the #create-a-ticket channel in the Discord server and create a ticket, then post a link to your digital character sheet. If you need help building your character, feel free to ask questions in the #newbie-help-and-discussion channel.
Covalon recommends two different character sheet applications for building and updating your character between adventures: Pathbuilder 2e and Wanderer’s Guide.
Covalon staff prefer that players use Pathbuilder 2e to build and update their characters. It is available as both a web-based application and as an Android app in the Google Play Store. It’s free to use most of the app, but certain premium features (such as animal companion and familiar management) must be unlocked by making a one-time $5 premium license purchase. Be sure to disable any third-party options when building your character; Covalon only plays with character options published by Paizo.
As an alternative to Pathbuilder 2e, Wanderer’s Guide is also a free web-based app for player character management. It allows players to manage their animal companions and familiars without a premium license, but it does not have the ability to import directly into the Foundry Virtual Tabletop software, requiring manual data entry on either the Dungeon Guide or player’s part. If you use Wanderer’s Guide to create your character, be sure to check that your character is publicly viewable in the app’s basic settings.
If you’d like to utilize a character option that isn’t listed in the Server Allowlist, you can #create-a-ticket to request the Administrators to review it during their next meeting. Character options from new Paizo book releases are not automatically flagged for review; they must be submitted for review by a player via a ticket.
In order to maintain a fair gaming environment for all players, Covalon restricts the use of reflavoring equipment, abilities, and other character options. For example, a longsword cannot be reflavored as a shovel or a machete, it must be a longsword. A snake familiar cannot be reflavored as a tiny dragon or a hydra, it must be a snake.
If you’re unhappy with your character, you may rebuild any or all aspects of that character instantly and with no cost as long as your character is level 3 or lower. The exception to this rule is starting equipment - you can only swap out your starting equipment if you are level 1 with 0 XP. Characters that ascend past level 3 but later have their level reduced (due to a failed Terran Reincarnation or reviving at a lower level due to a low level Contract of Terran Revival) are not eligible for free rebuilds, and must retrain or have the ritual of Terran Reincarnation performed on them instead. You must #create-a-ticket to have your rebuild approved by a Moderator.
If you aren’t enjoying playing your character or if you just want to start over with a new one, you can voluntarily retire your current character. A retired character must forfeit all of their equipment, currency, and titles - these cannot be donated to another character before retirement. If the character owns private property, a business, or a guild hall, the property may be transferred to another tenant, employee, or guild member respectively, otherwise the property is forfeit as well. Once a character has been retired, they can never be played again.
If you’re new to building a character in the PF2e system, don’t hesitate to ask for help in the #newbie-help-and-discussion channel. If you have questions about how specific rules interactions are handled in Covalon, try searching in the #rule-clarification-and-faqs channel.
Retiring a character is a decision that shouldn’t be made lightly. Here are some things to consider before deciding to retire your character.
You can undergo a ritual of Terran Reincarnation to change almost any aspect of your character without needing to start over. This is a great option if you want to try out a different ancestry or class without losing your character’s identity or equipment, or if you want to lower your character’s level with no other changes.
Covalon - the largest remaining civilization in the world - only thrives because of its citizens’ commitment to cooperating and surviving together. Thus, a flashy retirement narrative is inappropriate for our setting. Roleplaying a character’s decision to retire should be quiet and subtle, such as giving up adventuring to live a simple farmer’s life, or silently absconding from the city in the dead of night.
This section details the gameplay systems present in the Covalon campaign. While many gameplay systems are similar to those of a traditional campaign, Covalon has several unique systems as well as twists on familiar ones.
Covalon has been designed with a focus on slow, gradual progression that’s jam-packed with activities along the way. In order to achieve that goal, some of the core PF2e gameplay systems have been adjusted to better suit the campaign’s needs while other entirely new systems have been created.
The following are general gameplay rules for our server, including adjustments to similar rules found in the CRB. If there’s ever a discrepancy between the CRB and the rules listed in this section, the rules in this section take priority.
Adventurers in Covalon are broken up into tiers based on their levels, which determines the difficulty of adventures they can undertake as well as which players they can adventure alongside with.
The maximum level a character can obtain in Covalon is determined by the highest available tier. Once a character reaches 999 XP at the highest level in the highest tier, they can no longer gain XP. Alternate characters have a different max level than main characters, see the Alternate Character rules.
Tier | Character Levels |
1 | 1-3 |
2 | 4-6 |
3 | 7-9 |
4 | 10-12 |
5 | 13-15 |
Unlike a traditional campaign, your character’s sleep schedule is intertwined with your own real-life sleep schedule. Your character benefits from a full night’s rest every time you do in real life, and your character can choose to perform their daily preparations at any time between their last rest and their next adventure.
If your character relies heavily on abilities with a limited number of usages per rest (such as spells or infused reagents), you may want to think carefully about participating in multiple adventures in the same day - your character won’t recharge these abilities in between!
Most of the stores ran by NPCs in Covalon are little more than market stalls selling food and mundane goods, but there are two establishments that are of interest to adventurers - the General Store and Crafting Hall. From these stores, players are able to purchase the following items:
Common level 0 mundane equipment
All Uncommon level 0 classic firearms
Uncommon level 0 weapons for which Covalon has the formula listed in the Crafting Hall
Common formulas for items with levels less than or equal to the settlement’s level
All other items must be found as loot during adventures, traded between players, or crafted by players. Players cannot sell equipment to NPC stores, but they can sell crafting reagents for half their value. For more information on obtaining equipment, see the Crafting section in this guide.
During adventures, items with the infused trait - as well as temporary items created during daily preparations that last until a character’s next daily preparations (such as talismans created by the Talisman Dabbler archetype’s abilities) - cease to function if the creator(s) of the item(s) is not in the adventuring party.
To balance gameplay, Covalon implements special rules for higher-level items. Generally, characters can’t use gear above their tier during adventures, except for certain cases like potions with varying strengths or magical equipment. If an item’s level exceeds the character’s tier, its effects are downgraded or disabled. For example, a level 2 character using a +2 flaming shortsword would only have a +1 shortsword’s benefits. A level 5 character that drinks an Antidote (Major) during an adventure would gain the benefits of an Antidote (Moderate).
Similarly, specific magic items lose their special properties when used by lower-tier characters. A level 2 character with a Caterwaul Sling would revert into a +1 sling during an adventure. Items made from precious materials will either lose the effect of their precious material, or revert to a lower quality version of that material if an in tier version exists. A level 5 character with a standard-grade cold iron longsword would revert to a low-grade cold iron longsword during an adventure, but a standard grade siccatite weapon would not function as siccatite below tier 4.
There are several channels in the Discord server that are used to facilitate player-to-player transactions.
Players can create a post in the #store-menus channel to showcase wares they frequently have available or take crafting comissions.
Players who prefer more direct interaction can use the #looking-to-buy and #looking-to-sell channels to post buy and sell requests. Players can haggle prices or offer trades by creating threads in responses to posts.
Players who simply wish to give away equipment can do so in the #charity channel.
Covalon’s mentor system allows higher-level players to borrow pre-made characters to play with lower-level players. Mentor characters can be played in Tier 3 and under games, and can be played by players whose character is in a higher tier than the adventure. For example, a player with a Tier 3 character could play as a mentor in Tier 1 and 2 games. Mentor players are always added to the waitlist; player characters of the appropriate tier are given priority for table slots.
There are currently sixteen mentors available, one for each class in the Core Rulebook and Advanced Player’s Guide. A mentor player can choose which class they’d like to play in advance, or they can browse the available mentors and select one once the GM opens their Foundry server for mustering. When you play a mentor character, you do not earn any XP, but any gp or items you obtain are transferred to your player character. You also receive 1 Hero Point (see the Hero Point sidebar in the Adventures section).
The characters that make up Covalon’s mentorship program are retired adventurers who have already lived full lives, but have been called to serve the city as wizened guides for green adventurers. The mentors were originally designed by players as part of a “Design a Mentor” contest, where over 50 characters were submitted to become Covalon’s official mentor characters!
Barbarian: Brooks (male human)
Bard: Tilly Greenfield (female human)
Champion: Jasra (female half-orc)
Cleric: Diallo (male human)
Druid: Qaniah Bluebreeze (female halfling)
Fighter: Terry von Riggard (male human)
Investigator: Kardok (male hobgoblin)
Monk: Tavarik (male human)
Oracle: Aedra (female human)
Ranger: K’rook (male tripkee)
Rogue: Jade Aurellion (female elf)
Sorcerer: Fire Eater (male catfolk)
Swashbuckler: Jane Karver (female human)
Witch: Akari Fatespinner (female tengu)
Wizard: Agliglius (male gnome)
Adventurers can contract dangerous diseases and curses during adventures. Afflictions progress in real time, and must be handled at their regular intervals. If your character receives an affliction that is untreated by the end of the adventure, it doesn’t go away on its own - they’ll have to overcome it or find someone to cure it if they want to avoid its adverse effects. For more information on how tracking afflictions works in Covalon, see the pinnned post in the #affliction-tracking channel in the Discord server.
Covalon boasts an impressive library that grows larger as adventurers recover historic and legendary spellbooks from their adventures. Players can use the library to learn new spells, including spells that are uncommon or rarer. When using the Learn a Spell activity in between adventures, players can choose to learn any common spell with a level less than or equal to half the settlement level rounded up, as well as any uncommon or rarer spell marked as “ALLOWED” or “ERRATA” on the Server Allowlist that meets the same level requirements. (The settlement level can be found in the City Statblock section of Chapter 4.) When learning a spell between adventures, the time it takes to perform this activity is waived.
As they’ve spent more time in the vicinity of the Heart of Terra and its seeds, incredible powers have begun to manifest within the souls of Covalonians. Upon completing their first expedition finale, your character unlocks their Soul Seed - an intangible relic bound to their soul that can be customized with special powers. Players should use the #soul-seed-customization channel in Discord to track changes to their Soul Seed.
Covalon uses the rules for Soul Seeds found in the Gamemastery Guide and Secrets of Magic books, with the following changes. A character’s physical appearance does not change as a result of their developing Soul Seed. A character does not have access to upgrading of modifying their Soul Seed until they unlock their first aspect category by completing (or GMing) an expedition finale, and they can only choose aspects from categories they unlock by completing expedition finales. A list of aspects and their corresponding gifts can be found in the Equipment section of Archives of Nethys. Table 3-2 lists which expedition finales must be completed to unlock a particular aspect category. Soul Seeds are not lost upon character death if the character is brought back to life.
Gifts that require a weapon as a prerequisite to activate use a weapon you are holding when activating the gift. Ignore any prerequisites that require a worn item. Any gifts that have “Interact” as part of their activation requirement have that replaced with a special somatic component that still has the Manipulate trait. Your Soul Seed’s level is equal to your own level.
Gift | Expedition Finale to Unlock |
Air | Primrose |
Artistry | ??? |
Beast | Pudersnö |
Celestial | ??? |
Death | Drifthaven |
Dragon | Gornlar |
Earth | ??? |
Emotion | ??? |
Fiend | Verndhelt |
Fire | ??? |
Forge | ??? |
Life | ??? |
Luck | ??? |
Metal | The Fey Courts |
Mind | ??? |
Plant | ??? |
Shadow | Middlemist |
Soul | Taltain |
Time | Automatically unlocked* |
Water | Ikouga |
.* The Time aspect is automatically unlocked once a player obtains their Soul Seed. |
Upgrade | Expedition Finale to Unlock |
Second Aspect | Ratchethallow |
Major Gifts | ??? |
Grand Gifts | ??? |
Initially, a character’s Soul Seed can only obtain minor gifts, and their Soul Seed can only be customized with gifts from a single aspect. Completing certain Expedition Finales upgrades their Soul Seed with the ability to use stronger gifts or gifts from a second aspect. Table 3-3 lists which expedition finales must be completed to unlock a particular Soul Seed upgrade.
To add a new gift to a Soul Seed, a character must commune with the Heart of Terra and pay a gold cost. This does not consume downtime, but can only be performed in between adventures. A character also must meet a minimum level requirement, based on the gift they are attempting to add. Table 3-4 lists the cost and minimum level requirement for adding a new gift.
Once a gift has been added to a Soul Seed, it cannot be removed. It can be changed to a different gift within the aspect with four days of retraining. A character can also retrain one or more of their Soul Seed’s aspects, which also takes four days. When a Soul Seed’s aspect is retrained, any incompatible gifts it has are rendered inert until they are retrained. Terran Reincarnation can be used to change Soul Seed’s gifts or aspects.
Gift Number | Level Requirement | Gift Type | Price (gp) |
1 | 1 | Minor | 20 |
2 | 5 | Minor | 160 |
3 | 9 | Major | 700 |
4 | 13 | Major | 3,000 |
5 | 17 | Grand | 15,000 |
Alternate characters (“alt characters”) allow long time players to spend excess gold on the chance to play additional characters without retiring their main character.
When your first character (your “main character”) reaches max level, capped EXP, you may pay a gold cost to unlock a slot for an alt character. Alt characters are EXP capped one tier below the maximum tier of play. When all your alt characters are at maximum level, capped experience, you may pay to unlock another alt character slot. The cost to unlock a slot is equal to 20,000 gp times the number of characters you currently have (including your main). This purchase should be recorded in #alternate-character-tracking. Once you’ve purchased an alt character slot, #create-a-ticket to submit your character using normal character creation rules.
Your characters can never interact with each other in roleplay. Your characters have completely separate inventories, items and gold cannot be shared. (The one exception to this rule is paying for more alternate character slots, you may pay for another slot using gold from all/any of your characters inventories.) No matter how many characters you have, you only get one day of downtime to spend per day. You can spend this day of downtime as either your main character or your active alt character. Your characters may craft items for each other, but the character recieving the item must pay the full cost of the item.
If you have multiple alt characters, you can only play one alt character at a time. Once you choose to play an alt character, you are locked in to that alt for at least two weeks. During this period, you cannot use any other alt character for downtime, roleplay, or adventures. When you switch your active alt character, you must post in #alternate-character-tracking. Note that you can play your main character at any time. You must have the name of your main and active alt character in your discord name (e.g. “Daryl Hall | John Oates”).
If you wish, you may swap your main character to be an alt character. When you choose to do this, your current main character is immediately deleveled to one tier below the highest tier, and the alt character you choose to be your new main character is no longer capped at the second highest tier. If the alt character you picked was capped with maximum experience, they immediately level up. When you swap your main character, you must post in #alternate-character-tracking, and you are locked into that main character and cannot swap again for a month.
Your characters can never interact together in RP. You may not role play as multiple characters at the same time, even in different channels or threads. We appreciate that “time bubbles” happen and the goal is for players to not be actively doing RP as two different characters at the same time.
As a GM, you can choose to have your GM rewards and experience go to your main or alt character. The amount of the reward is based on the level of the PC receiving the reward. The gold and item rewards gained for mentoring can be applied to the active alt character if they are above the tier of play for the mentored game.
These rewards are given to the player (and not the individual characters). Thus, they are shared across PCs for determining whether you can earn further hero points or brawl titles (which are fancy player discord tags).
Alt characters must complete finales to gain access to soul seeds as normal. Alternates can be in up to two guilds and take up slots in guilds as normal, even if they are not an active alt character.
Events are scheduled according to “server time,” which is Covalon’s standard time zone. During the winter and spring, it operates on Pacific Standard Time (UTC -8), and during the summer and fall, it uses Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7).
“Adventures” in Covalon are scheduled play sessions between players and a Dungeon Guide where player characters work together to overcome adversaries, obstacles, and other challenges to receive experience points (XP) and loot.
There are several types of adventures in Covalon, each with their own unique gameplay, challenges, and rewards. The amount of loot and XP your character gains varies based on your character’s level and the game type. Patrols, our shortest gamemode, always give 250 XP. In Tiers 1-3, game modes other than patrols award 500 XP. In Tiers 4 and 5, Patrols are not available to play, and all other adventure types award 250 XP.
The standard adventure type in Covalon is the dungeon. This adventure type involves going through a portal to a random location in the world in order to salvage supplies or recover lost treasures. They don’t always take place in literal dungeons! These adventures typically last three to four hours long and include multiple combat encounters as well as puzzles, skill challenges, and roleplay opportunities. They typically award all types of treasure.
Dungeon operations are overseen by the portal specialists of the Dungeoneering Society, who ensure that any recovered treasure is distributed fairly. At the end of a dungeon, all players roll 1d100 in the #dice-channel to determine a loot priority order. The player who rolled the highest gets to pick an item from the dungeon’s treasure first, followed by the player who rolled the second highest, and so on and so forth - if there is loot leftover after the last player in the order selects an item, the order repeats from the top. There is no limit to the number of consumables players can receive from dungeons, but a player can claim a maximum of 1 non-consumable piece of equipment from a dungeon (excluding formulas, which are given to the players to donate to the Crafting Hall). Anything not claimed by a player is donated to the Dungeoneering Society.
When signing up for an adventure, be sure to tell the Dungeon Guide the level you expect your character to be when the adventure occurs. If you have other adventures in between, your character may level up before the adventure occurs. Be sure to let your Dungeon Guide know about this as soon as possible so they can appropriately adjust their adventure.
As the last bastion of civilization, Covalon faces minor threats on a daily basis. Patrols deal with handling these minor threats, and are intended to help lower-level characters level up quickly. These adventures typically last an hour and include a single combat encounter. They generally don’t feature any exploration or puzzles and contain minimal roleplay opportunities, and only award gold and consumables as treasure. Patrols are currently available to Tier 1, 2 and 3 players.
Unlike a traditional campaign, not all Hero Points granted in Covalon expire at the end of a session; some stay with you until they are used.
At the beginning of each adventure (excluding Brawls), players gain 1 Temporary Hero Point. If it’s not used during the adventure, it expires, and this Temporary Hero Point doesn’t allow players to exceed the 3 Hero Point Limit.
Players can obtain Hero Points that don’t expire at the end of an adventure (but are still consumed upon use) by playing in adventures, participating in or hosting events with a guild, or participating in special server events.
Brawls are a PvP gamemode where two teams of three duke it out in Covalon’s training arena. Brawls usually last one to two hours, though they can run as long as four hours. Player characters cannot die during brawls - if they would die, they receive healing from the arena medics and then rejoin the fight! Both teams receive gold and XP for participating. The three types of brawls are listed below. Usually the presiding Dungeon Guide will choose one as the brawl begins. Only Senior Dungeon Guides may run brawls, and brawls can only be scheduled by pre-formed teams using the #lfgm channel.
It’s a fight to the (almost) death! When a team member is knocked out and taken to the arena medbay, the opposing team receives 1 point. The first team to 3 points wins!
Three control points exist on the map. At the end of each round, 1 point is awarded to each team who has more allies touching the ground in a control point than their opponents do. The first team to 7 points wins. If both teams reach 7 points simultaneously, the match continues until one team creates a point lead. Unconscious bodies can’t score points!
A flag appears at the center of the arena. A player with a free hand can use an Interact action to grab the flag, which is light bulk. The player with the flag must bring it to a specified location and use a two-action Score activity to consume the flag and score 1 point for their team. After a flag is Scored, it immediately returns to the middle of the battlefield. The first team to 3 points wins. If a team is eliminated, the surviving team wins.
In addition to normal rewards, when your team wins a brawl, you recieve a Gladiator Token that represents your martial prowess. Upon reaching certain milestones, players can #create-a-ticket to gain a prestigious title for their character.
A brawl where players are all polymorphed by Dungeoneering Society staff into a variety of monsters! The currently available stat blocks in the Covalon module for this mode are listed below. SDGs may create alternate stat block lists and additional lists may be added to the module in the future. This brawl type must be decided on in advance. Players can be from ANY tier, and each gain individual gold and experience rewards based on their character’s level from the GM’s Guide table 3-1. (Your GM will let you know how much this is.)
Before the game, each player rolls two dice, each number corresponding to a stat block on a roll table of all available stat blocks for the brawl. If a player rolls the same number twice, have them reroll one die until they have two different stat blocks available to them. When the brawl starts, the players are Mythic Polymorphed into the stat block corresponding to the first dice roll. PCs can pick either stat block to start the brawl as. None of a PC’s abilities or feats work while Mythic Polymorphed. Players should be given control over both stat blocks they roll before the game so they can read the sheet.
Monster Mash is a modified Death Match won by the first team to score 4 points. A point is scored when a player on the enemy team is knocked to Dying 4, or respawns. A respawn is triggered when a player begins their turn with the unconscious or dying conditions. If a player is knocked to dying, move their intiative as normal. If they take damage again and hit dying 4, they become untargetable and respawn on their initiative. On a respawn, players can elect to stay in the same stat block or switch to their other option. When you respawn, you remove all negative conditions and refresh any used abilties, such as spells or breath weapons. Unlike normal brawls, in Monster Mash you respawn upright and can immediatly take a turn.
Number | Dino |
1 | Ankylosaurus |
2 | Brontosaurus |
3 | Carnotarus |
4 | Iguanodon |
5 | Majungasaurus |
6 | Pachycephalosaurus |
7 | Stegosaurus |
8 | Therizinosaurus |
9 | Triceratops |
10 | Tyrannosaurus |
Stat block complexity: Low, recommended for players newer to PF2e’s rules.
Number | Fey |
1 | Baobhan Sith |
2 | Dryad |
3 | Elananx |
4 | Lampad |
5 | Mighty Faerie Dragon |
6 | Naiad |
7 | Pixie |
8 | Redcap |
9 | Satyr |
10 | Unicorn |
Stat block complexity: Moderate, includes spells and unique abilities, including healing.
Number | Dragon |
1 | Adamantine Dragon |
2 | Brine Dragon |
3 | Conspirator Dragon |
4 | Crystal Dragon |
5 | Diabolic Dragon |
6 | Empyreal Dragon |
7 | Ice Dragon |
8 | Magma Dragon |
9 | Omen Dragon |
10 | Sky Dragon |
Stat block complexity: High, includes spells, special abilities, and fly speeds. Not recommended for players that are less familiar with PF2e.
Players who seek a challenge more difficult than standard adventures need look no further than descents, which are the most dangerous but also the most lucrative of adventure types offered in Covalon. They are similar to dungeons, but feature increased encounter difficulty and challenging modifiers that vary depending on the location in which the descent takes place. These adventures last up to four hours long and reward increased treasure compared to normal adventures, but are only open to the highest two tiers of players (and it is recommended that only max level players in each tier attempt them). Only Senior Dungeon Guides may run descents, and descents can only be scheduled by pre-formed teams using the #lfgm channel. Additionally, the location in which the descent takes place influences some of the rules of the descent.
In the wastelands south of Covalon lurks the Maw - a living chasm of destructive power born in the wake of the Cataclysm. Missions into the Maw are necessary in order to obtain Maw Stones, which hold secrets that may link to the cause of the Cataclysm as well as a method to defeat the Maw itself. Descents into the Maw consist of a gauntlet where players attempt to defeat up to four combat encounters. The difficulty of the first encounter will be of moderate difficulty while the other encounters are of severe difficulty. Additionally, creatures that are typically considered too powerful for other adventure types may appear during descents into the Maw. As a courtesy to our players, if the descent reaches its fourth hour of play, no more encounters can be attempted after the current one finishes.
Between encounters, players can use 10 minutes of exploration activities, after which they can choose to undertake the next encounter or retreat home with the loot they’ve received so far. Players cannot retreat during combat encounters, and a player character that dies during a descent into the Maw cannot have their gear recovered by their allies. Players earn gold for each encounter they defeat, with the potential to earn more than that of other adventure types for defeating at least three encounters.
In the vast world of Elleaterra, other locations harboring dangerous power may exist that warrant exploration by the strongest of adventures. Who knows what secrets await discovery, laying buried underneath the destruction wrought by the Cataclysm?
The Cataclysm wrought destruction across the world of Elleaterra, leveling all civilizations to the ground, save Covalon. These old locations are nothing more than ruins now, but those ruins may be worth searching for resources, treasures, and most importantly, answers on how to defeat the Maw once and for all. Expeditions are multi-phase adventures that require players to cooperate together in order to reclaim these fallen societies. Each expedition consists of three phases.
If there is a particular expedition adventure you’d like to play in, you can always use #lfgm to create a party and request a Dungeon Guide to run the adventure for you. You can even choose which mission you’d like to play. Once Phase 2 has been unlocked for an expedition, three missions become available that are always referred to as Mission A, Mission B, and Mission C. Though the missions are all narratively linked, they can be experienced in any order, as they are not prequels or sequels to each other. It may also be worthwhile to select the mission that has been played the least, as all missions must be completed a number of times before the finale unlocks
Soul Seed aspects must be unlocked by completing specific expedition finales, which you can use #lfgm to organize a party for. Normal mode finales utilize variant modifications to keep repeats interesting, so if you have a friend who needs help attempting a finale that you’ve already completed, give them a hand and you might see something new. Players with characters in the highest tier can alternatively request hard mode, which employs all variant modifications at once!
The first phase of an expedition is to establish a camp at the site of the former civilization to serve as a base of operations for the expedition itself. If the location is difficult to reach, this phase may involve constructing a vehicle to get there, or building a specialized structure in order to survive the unique circumstances of a location. This phase of an expedition does not occur like a normal adventure, but instead functions as a community goal that players must contribute resources to complete. The specific resources that must be contributed vary depending on the expedition location, and the current requirements to establish a base camp for a given expedition can be found in the #expedition-logs channel in the Discord server. Once base camp has been established for a location, this phase concludes and the next phase becomes available.
The second phase of an expedition requires adventurers to complete a variety of missions in order to explore the area, secure the base camp, and uncover clues about the Cataclysm. Missions are a subtype of expedition adventures that are similar to dungeons, but contribute to an overarching narrative, and are available to all tiers. Each expedition features three missions which have distinct objectives and elements. Any individual mission is repeatable, though some content in the mission changes between repeats. Once several missions have been completed for a location, this phase concludes and the next phase becomes available (though the missions can still be played after the phase has concluded).
Once each expedition has been completed a certain number of times, the expedition finale unlocks. A finale involves a singular encounter against a narratively significant threat to conclude the expedition. Completing a finale unlocks a new way for participants to customize their Soul Seeds, and like missions, they are repeatable. Finales can be attempted by players in Tier 3 or higher and last 1 to 2 hours. Finales have two difficulty modes. Normal mode is the standard finale experience, which can be scaled to any tier. Hard mode can only be attempted by characters in the highest and second highest tiers, and is intended for max level characters. When a finale first becomes available, it can only be attempted at hard mode. Once a finale has been cleared once, normal mode becomes available.
The following is a list of currently active expeditions. For more information on each expedition, see the city’s corresponding entry of the Campaign Lore chapter.
Excursions are a special game type that features up to three connected Excursion missions in a narrative arc called a Saga. Each Saga takes place in the vicinity of one of the Expedition camps Covalon has reclaimed. Each Excursion can last up to one in game day, and may feature recurring locations, characters, and plot lines. They also are a little tougher than the standard dungeon! As Excursions feature connected narratives, the GM will quickly summarize the story so far at the beginning of a connected Excursion mission.
Downtime is an important part of how your character spends their time in between adventures in Covalon. Your character can spend downtime to earn income, craft items, retrain their abilities, and perform other special activities to improve themselves and get ready for future adventures.
Time passes in Covalon at the same rate that time passes in real life. Player characters gain one day of downtime to spend for every real life day that passes, and can spend their downtime whenever they’re not currently participating in an adventure by logging it in the appropriate channel. If you forget to log your downtime, you can log those days of missed downtime if they were missed within the past week - any days before that are lost. You may not log missed downtime for activities that your characters wouldn’t have been able to perform on those days - for example, if you missed logging your downtime on Wednesday, you couldn’t log it on Friday to spend it on crafting an item from a formula you acquired on Thursday. Eidolons, companions, and familiars cannot participate in downtime activities. The exact time at which player characters gain a day of downtime to spend is at midnight server time every day.
Players are required to roll their downtime checks in #downtime-rolls, using our Dice Maiden bot. When rolling, please include the reason for the roll in the roll command. For example, if you were rolling a check to Earn Income using Performance and you had a +7 bonus to Performance, you would type:
/roll 1d20+7 !Earn Income
When using the Earn Income activity, you must roll for each individual day of downtime spent instead of once for every four days, and you can choose a Task Level up to the settlement’s level (which can be found in the Covalon Gazetteer) or your character’s level, whichever is lower. When you critically fail a check to earn income, you earn nothing for that day’s work, but you are not prevented from attempting again tomorrow or in the future. In Covalon, you may use Crafting, Performance, or any Lore skill to Earn Income. Some feats may allow you to use other skills.
Due to the very limited equipment options available at the General Store, players will need to obtain most of the items they need through crafting. The crafting hall sells formulas for all common items with a level less than or equal to the settlement’s level, but higher level formulas or formulas that are uncommon or rarer will can only be recovered from adventures. Formulas found on adventures and formulas invented by players (either through deconstruction or the Inventor feat) can be posted on the public bulletin board - these formulas are free for anyone to copy.
The DC to craft an item can be found on the DCs by Level table on page 503 of the CRB. In Covalon, we adjust the DC when crafting uncommon or rarer items as per the Adjusting Difficulty rules. If you have the Inventor feat, the DC to Invent the formula for an item is equal to the DC to craft that item. Many effects - such as Guidance - don’t last long enough to benefit a Craft check. For more crafting-related rulings, check out #rule-clarification-and-faqs in the Discord server.
Instead of using the traditional Earn Income activity, you can instead choose to Gather Resources using an applicable Lore skill. Gathering resources earns you an amount of material suitable for crafting equal to double the amount you would earn for performing Earn Income at an equivalent task level, and you can Gather Resources up to your character level, regardless of Covalon’s settlement level. For example, a level 1 player character trained in Mining Lore could choose to gather generic ore, which would earn them 4 sp worth of ore on a success instead of the 2 sp in coin normally earned from Earn Income, and could be used in lieu of gold when crafting a metal item.
Crafting material obtained this way can alternatively be sold to the General Store for half value. All feats and abilities which specifically affect the Earn Income ability also affect Gather Resources, and the DC to Gather Resources for a particular Task Level is equivalent to the DC to Earn Income for that same Task Level.
Gathering resources can also be used to obtain precious materials for crafting. The following table contains all of the precious materials that can currently be gathered in Covalon. More varieties of precious materials may become available in the future as Covalon expands and players discover new sources of materials.
Precious Material | Applicable Lores |
Cold iron | Mining, Caves, etc. |
Silver | Mining, Caves, etc. |
Dawnsilver | Mining, Caves, etc. |
Adamantine | Mining, Caves, etc. |
Duskwood | Woodcutting, Forest, etc. |
Dragonhide | Tanning, Dragon, etc. |
Siccatite (hot and cold) | Mining, Caves, Gornlar, etc. |
Abysium | Mining, Metal, etc. |
Djezet | Mining, Metal, etc. |
Inubrix | Mining, Metal, etc. |
Noqual | Mining, Metal, etc. |
Covalon’s robust training facility and expansive library allows characters to retrain faster than in a traditional campaign. Retraining a feat, skill increase, selected language, or spell in a spell repertoire takes only four days of downtime, and retraining any other type of class feature only takes fourteen days. The use of these amenities is not free, however - for every day spent retraining, your character must pay the amount of gold listed for their level in Table 3-6: Retraining Costs.
Ancestry, heritage, background, class, and ability scores cannot be retrained. A player who wishes to change these things about their character will need to undergo a Terran Reincarnation ritual instead.
There are a number of unique activities that can be performed in between adventures in Covalon. Activities with the downtime trait require you to spend your downtime to perform them, while activities with the exploration trait can be performed without significant time investment.
Character Level | Retraining Cost (per day) |
1 | 2 sp |
2 | 3 sp |
3 | 5 sp |
4 | 8 sp |
5 | 1 gp |
6 | 2 gp |
7 | 2 gp, 5 sp |
8 | 3 gp |
9 | 4 gp |
10 | 6 gp |
11 | 8 gp |
12 | 10 gp |
13 | 15 gp |
14 | 20 gp |
15 | 28 gp |
Cost Cost a fragment of your soul plus an amount of money as detailed on Table 3-7: Contract Pricing
You imbue a fragment of your soul into the Heart of Terra, which will regenerate your body and soul in the event of your death (except by natural causes). When you purchase the contract, choose a level up to your character’s current level and pay the associated cost. If you die while in an adventure, your contract is consumed and the Heart of Terra regenerates your body and soul in Covalon. You return to life at a level equal or lower to the level of contract you purchased, and your XP towards the next level is reset to 0. It takes some time for your soul to adjust to regeneration, leaving you clumsy 2, drained 2, and enfeebled 2 for 1 week; these conditions can’t be removed or reduced by any means until the week has passed. You can upgrade your contract to a higher level by paying the cost difference.
You can purchase a Contract of Terran Revival for your animal companion or familiar. The price to do so is always 50 gp, and the revived companion or familiar will be the same level as the character that owns them.
Level | Cost |
1 | 30 gp |
2 | 60 gp |
3 | 90 gp |
4 | 150 gp |
5 | 240 gp |
6 | 375 gp |
7 | 540 gp |
8 | 750 gp |
9 | 1,050 gp |
10 | 1,500 gp |
11 | 2,100 gp |
12 | 3,000 gp |
13 | 4,500 gp |
14 | 6,600 gp |
15 | 10,500 gp |
Requirements You have taken a sample of a creature defeated during an adventure with the beast or animal trait, and you have had this creature sample approved after submitting a ticket.
You invoke the power of the Heart of Terra to create a new creature from the sample of an old one. The Heart consumes the sample you provide it and produces an egg, which you spend seven days of consecutive downtime to incubate and care for. After seven days, this egg hatches into a creature of the same species as the one from the provided sample. If you have a feat or feature that gives you access to an animal companion, this creature can serve as your animal companion, using the stat blocks of a similar type of animal companion if an entry for this creature does not exist. Alternatively, the creature may be kept as a vanity pet, and you can own a maximum of four vanity pets.
In order for a creature to be approved for Raise a Creature, it must have the animal or beast tag, not be a Maw-related creature, not have any vaguely humanoid characteristics, not have the Spirit or Dragon tag, and must not be a custom or 3rd-party creature. Creatures created from Raise a Creature have their diet changed to consist of meat or plants commonly found in rations and have none of the abilities or spellcasting usually associated with their creature type (though they keep their forms of movement). Vanity pets become small or tiny in size, have their intelligence modifier reduced to -4, and lose the ability to speak any languages. Creatures hatched via the Raise a Creature activity can be traded to other players.
Frequency once per day
You visit Doc’s Medical Center and solicit treatment from a healer. You are restored to full hit points, and your wounded condition (if any) is removed. If you have an animal companion(s) or familiar(s), they are also restored to full hit points.
By paying 1 gp, the infirmary will also remove any conditions affecting you. The infirmary can remove any conditions (except doomed) as long as that condition was inflicted by an environmental effect, a creature or hazard with a level lesser than or equal to that of the settlement’s, or by a spell with a level lesser than or equal to that of half the settlement’s level (rounded up). (For a list of applicable conditions, see pages 618 - 623 in the Core Rulebook.)
Frequency once per day; Cost 40 gp
You visit the chapel to remove a curse. The church automatically counteracts one curse afflicting your character or an item your character possesses. The church can remove a curse with a level up to the settlement’s level, or up to a spell rank lesser than or equal to half the settlement’s level (rounded up).
A select few number of rituals are available in Covalon. In addition to the allowed rituals in the Server Allowlist, the following rituals are also available. Like all rituals, they must be learned with the Learn a Spell activity before they can be cast, and characters without the ability to Cast a Spell can cast these rituals. These rituals must be cast by players; there are no NPCs that are capable of casting them.
Cost rare herbs worth a total value of the level the target wishes to reincarnate into (minimum 1) x 25 gp; Secondary Casters 2 Primary Check Nature (expert); Secondary Checks Occultism, Religion Range 10 Feet; Target(s) 1 living creature
You harness the Heart of Terra’s ambient energies of renewal to allow the target to change fundamental aspects about themself. The target gains a full character rebuild, allowing them to change their name, ancestry, background, class, feats, skill increases, attribute scores, spell repertoire selections and any other aspects of their character they wish, although the character’s equipment, wealth, memories, learned spells, and past remain intact. The target can choose to reincarnate up to level 8 or their original character level, whichever is lower. Terran Reincarnations vary in appearance, with each ritual manifesting differently depending on the target.
Players wishing to undergo Terran Reincarnation must first submit their new character sheet with a log of changes from their previous character to the moderation team by creating a ticket. They must also include details on how their particular reincarnation will manifest if they wish to incorporate narrative elements into their reincarnation. At minimum, all narratives must involve undergoing the ritual itself.
Critical Success You reincarnate the target without side effects.
Success You reincarnate the target with some side effects. The target has 1 HP and all of its limited use per day abilities (including spellcasting) aren’t available until the target’s next daily preparations. The target takes some time to adjust to the reincarnation, leaving them clumsy 2, drained 2, and enfeebled 2 for 1 week; these conditions can’t be removed or reduced by any means until the week has passed.
Failure You fail to reincarnate the target.
Critical Failure The reincarnation backfires. If the target has a Contract of Terran Revival, they can execute it immediately (this does not count as dying), otherwise they become an unintelligent animal creature of their choosing with a level no greater than half their original level. They may attempt to be reincarnated again. If they don’t, the target is considered dead and their player must create a new character.
Heightened (4th) The maximum level the target can reincarnate to increases to 10. The cost is the level the target wishes to reincarnate into (minimum 1) x 40 gp.
Heightened (5th) The maximum level the target can reincarnate to increases to 12. The cost is the level the target wishes to reincarnate into (minimum 1) x 75 gp.
Heightened (6th) The maximum level the target can reincarnate to increases to 14. The cost is the level the target wishes to reincarnate into (minimum 1) x 125 gp.
Heightened (7th) The maximum level the target can reincarnate to increases to 16. The cost is the level the target wishes to reincarnate into (minimum 1) x 200 gp.
Heightened (8th) The maximum level the target can reincarnate to increases to 18. The cost is the level the target wishes to reincarnate into (minimum 1) x 300 gp.
Heightened (9th) The maximum level the target can reincarnate to increases to 20. The cost is the level the target wishes to reincarnate into (minimum 1) x 600 gp.
The Terran Reincarnation ritual was invented by the Seekers of Secrets as a method of harnessing the Heart of Terra’s ambient magic to allow people to change their biology, personality, and aptitudes. For some, these changes help them adapt better to a post-Cataclysm world, and for others, it allows them to assume their perfect idea of themself in order to better defend the last bastion of civilization.
Covalon features several special systems designed to facilitate and enhance roleplaying experiences. Participating in these systems allows for both veteran and new roleplayers alike to enrich their gameplay between adventures with meaningful interplayer engagement.
Players who wish to team up with like-minded adventurers and form a permenant company can do so by creating a guild. Guilds are player-led groups that gain access to several features, such as private text & voice channels, hosting roleplay events, and enacting narrative projects around the city.
In order to form a new guild, the following requirements must be met:
When these three requirements are met, the guild leader can #create-a-ticket to submit their guild to the staff team. If they approve, the guild will become official. Players may be in a maximum of two guilds, and a guild may have a maximum of 10 members. This member cap is raised by 2 after a guild hosts an event or project.
Members of a guild can run server events that award 1 Hero Point to all hosts and participants. After a guild hosts an event or project, their member cap is raised by 2. To host a roleplay event or start a narrative project (such as building a statue or a building), please have a member of your guild #create-a-ticket with the following information: Event Name, Date, Location, Summary of Event, Event Goals, and the in-character announcement post for your event to be shared in the #official-postings channel.
In addition to increasing their guild member cap by 2, individuals and guilds that host events can gain these special rewards.
Upon completion of 1 event, the individual member of the guild that created a ticket and submitted the event for staff approval will gain the @Social Butterfly tag on Discord.
A guild that hosts 3 events can gain a background NPC that performs some function at their Guild Hall. This NPC must be approved by staff before they come to work for your guild.
A guild that hosts 5 events will be added to a special registry of Covalon’s Most Valuable Guilds, and have a public statue dedicated to their guild built in a location of their choice in the city. The registry will be pinned in #:trophy:guild-recruitment , and a description of your statue pinned in the channel of your choice.
A guild that hosts 10 events will have their guild tag changed to a custom color of their choice, and their guild role will be moved above the adventurer and dungeon guide roles, so you can show off your fancy color! Colors must be approved by staff.
It costs 50% of the original payment to move a house, business, or guild hall to a new location. If you wish to move a building, please #create-a-ticket.
Players can own property in Covalon by purchasing a house, business, or a guild hall. A player can own only one of each type of property at a time. To purchase property, you must #create-a-ticket. Guild Halls may be located in Covalon, or any of the following Expedition districts: Ikouga, Gornlar, Middlemist, Pudersno, Ratchethallow.
Private housing suitable as a permanent living residence can be purchased for 200 gp. A single house can accommodate up to four players, including any companions, familiars, or pets they may own. After the staff team approves your purchase, you may speak with the City Planner to choose your plot of land and have your house added to the official map of Covalon. Plots of land can be chosen from one of the below housing districts, or any of the following Expedition districts: Ikouga, Gornlar, Middlemist, Pudersno, Ratchethallow.
Houses can have up to four bedrooms, a common living area, a kitchen, a bathroom, and one unique feature, such as a training room, crafting workshop, or study. Exceptions can be made with staff approval. Housing lots are 75’ x 75’ (15 x 15 grid). This includes all exterior features, such as gardens. Lots must contain at least one square of green space around the building, and the building must be no taller than two stories (including anything below ground). After your house has constructed and you have moved in, be sure to update the housing registry in #citizen-directories .
Larger buildings suitable for running a store can be purchased for 500 gp. Purchasing a business comes with a public RP text channel. Buisnesses may be located in Covalon, or any of the following Expedition districts: Ikouga, Gornlar, Middlemist, Pudersno, Ratchethallow. Commercial lots are 100’ x 100’ (20 x 20 grid), must contain at least one square of green space around the building, and can be no more than two stories tall (including anything below ground). This includes all exterior amenities.
A business with adjoined living quarters can be purchased for 700 gp. House and Buisinesses may be located in Covalon, or any of the following Expedition districts: Ikouga, Gornlar, Middlemist, Pudersno, Ratchethallow. Living quarters are to be located above or behind the store front, and may not exceed the lot’s total square footage. The size of the lot is 100’ x 100’ (20 x 20 grid), must contain at least one square of green space around the building, and can be no more than two stories tall (including anything below ground). This includes all exterior amenities.
A player serving as a guild leader may optionally purchase a hall for their guild for 500 gp. Guild halls can be up to 100’ x 100’ (20 x 20 grid), including all exterior amenities. Guild halls may have up to two floors, and will primarily consist of a meeting room, but additionally may have up to three other reasonably sized unique spaces which are related to the purpose of the guild. Barracks-style common sleeping areas will be provided for nine members, with a private room for the guild leader. A small kitchen, bathroom, and living area are included. Lots must contain at least one square of green space around the building, and the building must be no taller than two stories (including anything below ground). Guild Halls may be located in Covalon, or any of the following Expedition districts: Ikouga, Gornlar, Middlemist, Pudersno, Ratchethallow.
Businesses and guild halls come with public roleplay channels that you can use to roleplay your personal and guild business. Standard housing does not come with a public roleplay channel, but you can always create a thread in one of the housing district channels.
Characters who cannot afford property or do not wish to purchase property (such as wild order druids) may instead purchase a permit to camp at the campgrounds. A permit costs 10 gp and does not expire. In order to purchase a camping permit, a character must reach out to the forest warden, Kouzo (male goloma cleric).
I understand that this permit entitles me to a space to camp at Lakeview Campground. This space is — excluding animal companions, eidolons, and familiars — a single occupancy space. I understand that a fire pit is provided and that outside of torches or lanterns, fire is to be contained to the fire pit. I understand that in the interest of public health and safety a latrine is available. I understand that this permit has a one time fee of 10gp.
I understand, that in accordance with Covalon law, no creation of a permanent structure or modification to the campgrounds or the forest is permitted. I understand that this permit is subject to revocation if these laws are broken.
Covalon is a city, and like all cities, its citizens must follow laws or face consequences. But Covalon is also a roleplaying game, and what would a roleplaying game be without a little bit of crime now and then? In Covalon, laws are categorized into four groups of severity, where more severe crimes result in more severe punishments. The first three categories of severity are referred to as “Roleplay Laws,” and the consequences for breaking these laws is restricted to roleplay only (such as being asked to do community service or serve jail time). The fourth category of severity details crimes that go against our Player Expectations; if any of these crimes are committed, there will be significant out-of-character consequences, which could include dismissal from the campaign. While we encourage players to interact with the Roleplay Laws in ways that enhance their roleplaying experience, we forbid players from breaking any of the laws that coincide with our Player Expectations (known as Extreme Offenses). Additionally, before a player character commits a crime against another player character(s), all involved players must privately and explicitly consent to the interaction. If your character becomes the victim of a roleplay crime that you did not explicitly consent to, please #create-a-ticket and let the staff team know immediately.
Committing a crime can be a fun way to spice up roleplaying, especially when used to drive character development. For example, a character might steal something and be so riddled with guilt afterwards that they make a point to always do the right thing in the future, or a character might vandalize another character’s business to ignite a conflict between the two. Remember to always ask for permission before committing a crime against another player’s character, and inform the staff team via #create-a-ticket. The staff team will determine if the city of Covalon takes legal action against a character after a crime is commited.
If a player character breaks a Roleplay Law, the crime can be reported by the victim of the crime, any witness to the crime, or the perpetrator themselves (if they feel guilty and want to turn themselves in). Depending on the severity of the crime, an appropriate consequence will be administered. These consequences only exist for the purposes of roleplaying and have no effect on mechanical aspects of the server, such adventures or downtime systems. A player character who commits an Infraction will receive an official warning and may be ordered to take remedial classes. A player character who commits a Misdemeanor will be asked to complete community service as atonement. Lastly, a player who commits a Felony must atone for it by serving jail time. With forenotice, the staff team can use the Chronicler account to act as NPC guards in a roleplay scene.
Sometimes, when a crime is reported, the evidence isn’t clear enough to support a conviction against a player character, or the victim or criminal may want to argue that a consequence for a particular instance of a crime should be more or less severe. In either of these circumstances, a trial can be requested by a victim or criminal. During a trial, a plaintiff (either the victim, their appointed representative, or a representative for the city of Covalon) and the defendant (either the alleged criminal, convicted criminal, or their appointed representative) argue their case before a staff member(s) (roleplaying as a Covalon NPC judge) and a panel of six jurors, made up of randomly selected volunteers. The staff member(s) will guide the trial by asking questions and instructing the plaintiff and defendant when to present their evidence or call for witness testimonies. After all evidence has been presented and arguments have been made, the jury will determine the outcome of the case via a simple majority vote. After the vote, the details of sentencing (if applicable) will be determined by the staff member(s).
Like other role playing events, upcoming trials are scheduled in the #scheduled-events channel, and players may sign up to potentially serve on the jury. No XP or gold is awarded, but all jurors earn a Hero Point for their service. Trials can take place over voice chat or text chat, and should not last more than two hours.
Infraction | Description |
Disturbing the Peace | Public unruly behavior, such as rowdy public drunkenness or excessive noisemaking. |
Trespassing | Entering the Shrine of Terra without the Servants of Terra or NPC shrinekeepers. Entering the Maw Outpost without an escort from the NPC guards. |
Irresponsible Use of Magic, Technology, or Alchemy | Using magic, technology, or alchemy in such a way that it causes a public nuisance or disruption. |
Threats | Making a statement of intention to harm or perform some other hostile action against another citizen or their property. |
Misdemeanor | Description |
Breaking and Entering | Entering a citizen or guild’s private property without their permission. |
Theft | Stealing property from a citizen or guild. |
Assault & Battery (Nonlethal) | Harming or attempting to harm another citizen without lethal intent. |
Fraud | Misrepresenting or breaking an explicit or implicit agreement. This includes lying about the nature of goods being sold, constructing a building with shoddy or inappropriate materials, breaking a contract, or lying while under oath during a trial. |
Bribery | Bribing a juror or some other city official to receive preferential treatment. |
Destruction of Property | Defacing/destroying public property or property belonging to another citizen or guild. |
Unsanctioned Building or Burying | Building without a permit from the City Planner or burying a body without permission from the church. |
Environmental Crimes | Exploiting or destroying the bounty that the Heart of Terra provides for Covalon, such as strip mining, clear cutting, excessive hunting, or polluting the lake. |
Irresponsible Use of Magic, Technology, or Alchemy | Using magic, technology, or alchemy that has the potential to cause harm or damage, summons a creature outside of the training ring or arena without official permission, or causes mind-influencing effects on a citizen of Covalon without official permission. |
Felony | Description |
Assault & Battery (Lethal) | Harming or attempting to harm another citizen with lethal intent. |
Corruption | Accepting a bribe as a juror or some other city official. |
Impersonating an Official | Falsifying authority in order to manipulate others. |
Treason | Actions that endanger citizens or the city of Covalon on a grand scale. |
Usury | Participating in the lending of money and charging interest on its return as a form of business. |
Irresponsible Use of Magic, Technology, or Alchemy | Using magic, technology, or alchemy that causes large amounts of environmental, structural, or personal damage. |
Extreme Offenses are violations of our Player Expectations and will result in out-of-character consequences.
Extreme Offense | Description |
Explicit Sexual Themes | Roleplaying themes must be kept appropriate for a PG-13 rating. Obscene acts of promiscuity are not permitted in Covalon’s public role playing channels, including (but not limited to) prostitution, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and fornication. |
Murder | Characters may not murder each other. |
Extortion | Characters may not extort each other. |
This section details all of our unique setting lore that makes Covalon and the world of Elleaterra distinct from other settings.
The world of Elleaterra is vast, home to many different types of creatures and cultures. Though they all have generations of personal, familial, and national history, a period of wanton destruction has forced these varied peoples to cooperate in order to survive a post-apocalyptic world.
The old world is gone. Dragons, undead, planar invaders, and natural disasters desecrated the nations of our world, Elleaterra, over a period of a few months collectively referred to as “the Cataclysm.” Monsters roam the land, survivors raid each other for supplies, and the gods have stopped answering prayers. Four years later, only one pocket of civilization remains: Covalon.
Formerly a keep on nearly inhospitable land given to a baron of low standing, Covalon has evolved into the last bastion of civilization in a post-Cataclysm world. Against all odds, a small keep of ragtag survivors has evolved into a bustling and thriving town, with survivors from all corners of the world flocking to its gates. Founded by the late Baron Freetide, Covalon managed to survive the Cataclysm due to a unique, living artifact hidden within its walls: the Heart of Terra. In his final days, Baron Freetide appointed a sheriff to manage Covalon’s affairs, but with the sheriff’s unexpected exodus from the city, the mantle of leadership was taken on by seven councilors. As the non-adventuring population of Covalon has grown, NPCs have stepped up to manage and govern most of the back-end of the City, so adventurers can focus on adventuring!
Predating the cataclysm, the Heart of Terra is the living artifact responsible for Covalon’s survival. Taking the shape of a planetarium with a miniature world at its center, the Heart of Terra infuses the land around Covalon with good soil, clean water, and temperate weather. Outside, the wasteland is cruel and desolate, but the Heart has created a magical oasis from which mortals can make their last stand.
The Maw is the name given to the terrifying abyss in the desert to the south of Covalon. It is a living entity that singularly seeks the destruction of Covalon, spawning armies of abberrant creatures to carry out this task. Though it existed long before the Cataclysm, it wasn’t until the aftermath of the world-ending crisis that it became bent on Covalon’s destruction. Scholars discovered that the Maw has a physical Heart that could be killed to destroy the Maw for good, and Covalon launched a massive offensive into the Maw to carry out this task, known as Operation Heartbreaker. Just as it seemed like they had defeated the Heart of the Maw, it received a surge of life energy from somewhere outside the Maw and overwhelmed Covalon’s forces. The people of Covalon were able to retreat thanks to the selfless sacrifice of heavenly archons who had arrived to fight alongside them, but were unsuccessful in defeating the Heart of the Maw.
Since then, the citizens have discovered that the surge of life energy the Heart of the Maw received came from Maw Vessels - nodes of power scattered throughout the world. Covalon has launched a series of expeditions to find these Vessels, destroy them, and in doing so, reclaim the civilizations that were lost to the Cataclysm.
The world of Elleaterra, before the Cataclysm. Designed by Rinka.
The city of Covalon. Designed by Sheas.
The following characters were the vanguard who broke the undead dracolich.
Kor Ironstar
Wilson Wade
Yali Fa’el
Arto Applefield
The following characters fought to break the undead siege.
Akuma Chituski
Ambrose Silversprout
Blu Caerellius
Bruze Bumblebee
Clara Houser
Devrell Arnan
Dorden McRall
Gabbro Steelbelly
Ionela Liebert
Jasper Marceaux
Kelani Snowdrop
Kiara Sinclair
Kipza Quickclaw
Klaus Brightblade
Kona Snowdrop
Lesh Darklurker
Mira Levana
Piava Decont
Qetello Dream-Weaver
When Covalon’s walls were young and untested there came a time where dark clouds formed on the desert horizon. Day after day the darkness grew, hungrily eating at sky. Scouts told of purple lightning balling and piercing through the roiling clouds as anguished cries echoed from the maw’s chasm. While as yet unaware of what this foretold, the adventurers of Covalon set to prepare in the best ways they knew how. Each did as they could. Some produced bandages and medicines, blacksmiths forged armor and sharpened weapons, and the bookish sought to uncover the secrets of the vile sorcery that had begun to blot out the sun over their heads. A keening wind brought news of undeath walking the dunes as nightmares plagued Covalon’s dreamers.
Creeping, crawling, hungry hordes of undead made their approach, but this was no ordinary undead menace. These mindless monsters moved in strategic formations, halting and maneuvering as though beckoned by an unseen and demanding hand. On the sands outside of ranged attacks, they waited, standing at grisly attention, threatening to at any moment bear down upon the survivors of the world’s apocalypse. Finally the true threat prepared to make itself known. A titanic five legged Dracolich shook the earth as it clawed its way out from the maw to drive its armies of horror forward! Covalon’s defenders prepared themselves for the fight of their lives, forming five squads of her strongest and most guileful to assault the massive beast. Their plan, Operation Siege Breaker, was to cut it down to size, assaulting each leg simultaneously while a brave vanguard kept at its head to hold its attention on themselves.
As the hordes of undead descended to assault the walls, the heroes of covalon cut through waves of horrors towards their targets. The battle raged and the monster seemed poised to overtake the vanguard who were reeling on the edge of life when finally the beast was brought down by a powerful kick that destroyed its vestigal fifth leg. With the dracolich destroyed there was no hand to control the undead hordes and they too fell or fled back whence they came.
A recording of the briefings and debriefings from The Siege of Covalon can be found on Youtube here.
Arto Applefield
Blu Caerellius
Brynn Ebonheart
Devrell Arnan
Kelani Snowdrop
Kiara Sinclair
Kona Snowdrop
The following characters fought the Maw’s beasts.
Acaelus Thorne
Agrippina Fa’el
Akuma Chitsuki
Arash Kavaarhaad
Arkhan Blackstaff
Arlette Islestem
Basil Twitchpaw
Biff Farmerson
Castiel Bishop
Cecillia Heartfire
Clara Houser
Dorden McRall
Dr. Cook
Felix Calot
Gabbro Steelbelly
Itawk Raith
Kardat of Tollmer
Kipza Quickclaw
Kor Ironstar
Lofnick Wacklbuck
Mima Melonbun
Brooke “the Cook”
Ollegas Lightheart
Piava Decont
Raggi Tharnir
Rhia Fizzlefang
Rohks Hammertail
Sano Tamako
Sanvi Parashti
Sera Seasong
Sharp Quill Dances on Page
Stellarys Amaris
Vilwin Vanberos
Yali Fa’el
Zhaal Revane
Coming Soon!
A recording of the briefings and debriefings from Operation Heartbreaker can be found on Youtube here.
The following characters were the vanguard who fought the Eschatelpis Siktempora at the End of Time at the height of its power.
Arto Applefield
Broken Arrow
Kelani Snowdrop
Kona Snowdrop
Sej the Starless
Tenvar Summerbend
The following characters fought to destroy the Vessel of the Maw being guarded at the End of Time.
Autumn Greensteel
Azimuth Tide
Billy Thimble
Bokel Morgrub
Brumata Acentria
Cecillia Heartfire
Celeste Timor
Dante D’Alessandro
Dune Terrero
Edmond Nightgale
Hector McBride
Ifri Solgato
Kipza Quickclaw
Kosta Chaosbrand
Kotori Tachibana
Phillip Stildori
Rannali Starseer
Vaia Aten
Zhaal Revane
Zoe Timor
Coming Soon!
The following characters were the vanguard who fought against Captain Laurent Devreaux to defend the Heart of Terra.
Arto Applefield
Brumata Acentria
Brynn Ebonheart
Celeste Timor
Kona Snowdrop
Kosta Chaosbrand
Phillip Stildori
The following characters fought against the astral raiders to defend Covalon.
Aerin Velika
Buck Sharphammer
Edmond Nightingale
Elizabeth “Lizzy” Enthin
Hector Mcbride
Kaito Darkbeak
Kelani Snowdrop
Koji Ren
Lumie Bluetongue
Philomena Soluni
Rengrant Kororkriz
Thurg the Bull
Trixy Idolsong
Zhaal Revane
澶安处 (Chan An Chu)
Coming Soon!
Before the Cataclysm, Covalon was nothing more than a small fief of nearly inhospitable land entrusted to the lesser baron Eagor Freetide as a cruel joke. But in a fortuitous twist of fate, the baron would discover something worth protecting in the wasteland - the seed of an artifact we now know as the Heart of Terra. The power of the heart protected Covalon from the destruction wrought by the Cataclysm; while his home kingdom was razed to the ground by dragons, the baron enjoyed peace and safety in Covalon. In the aftermath of the chaos, survivors began turning up at the gates of Covalon, and Baron Freetide welcomed them in with open arms, determined to rise to the responsibility fate had set before him.
Months later, the baron passed away due to natural causes, and the responsibility of leadership was thrust upon the heads of each of Covalon’s major organizations and the City Planner. As Covalon’s non-adventuring population grew, NPCs stepped up to manage most of the day to day governing of the city.
The last bastion of mortal civilization in Elleaterra.
Government Council of Covalon (appointed council of NPCs)
Population 550 (65% common ancestries, 35% other)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Sylvan, Iruxi, Other
Religions All
Threats Raiding bands of goblin and kobold tribes, dangerous creatures emerging from the Maw, denizens of the outer planes seeking to exterminate mortal life
The City at the End of the World Covalon is the only known civilization to have survived the Cataclysm, thanks to a living artifact known as the Heart of Terra. Though it started out as little more than a baron’s keep on infertile land, it has grown into a hospitable place to live - though it lacks many of the modern conveniences that previous societies developed. Nevertheless, a stubbornness to survive has allowed Covalon to grow to its current state and is what keeps it standing to this day.
Community events are often organized in Covalon’s square, which features relaxing gardens and a multipurpose stage to facilitate a wide variety of activities. Performances, feasts, and even Heartbond ceremonies have all been held in the town square.
The Town Square. Designed by Sheas.
Whether it be for official council business or for singing a new guild, the town hall is the heart of the legislative, executive, and judicial facets of Covalon’s government. The courtroom, city planner’s office, and public meeting spaces can all be found within its walls.
The Town Hall. Designed by Sheas.
Covalon produces what it can to sustain itself, but as more refugees flock to the city, Covalon’s needs grow greater and greater. The outside world is desolate and full of monsters, but thanks to the mages of the Dungeoneering Society, adventurers can travel through portals to places all over the world and secure useful supplies for Covalon. Portal specialists channel magical gateways to distant locations where adventurers salvage food, magic items, and everything in between. These excursions are crucial to Covalon’s prosperity, and the participating adventurers earn their fair share of treasure and glory for their efforts.
The Dungeoneering Society. Designed by Sheas.
The collective knowledge of Covalon’s citizens and historical records from the outside world can be found inside Covalon’s public library. In addition to housing an impressive collection of literature and spellbooks, it also serves as a base of operations for city-employed mages dedicated to uncovering the world’s magical secrets.
Covalon Public Library. Designed by Sheas.
Though the gods have gone silent, many citizens of Covalon cling to their faith in hopes that the divines will deliver them from the horrors of the outside world. Covalon’s chapel, staffed by NPC holy folk and the Servants of Terra guild, endeavors to provide religious services for all of the different faiths in Covalon, as well as a place of rest for those who have fought their last battle.
The Chapel. Designed by Sheas.
Covalon’s crafters, inventors, and engineers are the backbone of its development, and many of them congregate in the crafting hall to collaborate on projects and share techniques. Some basic common formulas can be purchased from the hall’s resident staff, while rarer and more advanced formulas are posted to bulletin boards by adventurers who discover them out in the world.
The Crafting Hall. Designed by Sheas.
Adventuring is dangerous work, especially in a post-Cataclysm world, but the altruistic and talented staff of Doc’s Medical Center work tirelessly to keep the city’s adventurers in fighting shape. Named after the former head doctor of Covalon who went by “Doc,” the infirmary employs a combination of traditional medicine, healing magic, alchemical salves, and other techniques to provide premium holistic care for the entire city.
Doc’s Medical Center. Designed by Sheas.
Medical Research Center. Designed by Sheas.
A far cry from the hustle and bustle of cities past, Covalon’s marketplace nevertheless does its best to service its citizens with everything they need. Though most of the stalls that line the marketplace only sell mundane items, adventurers sometimes set up stands to sell magical equipment or alchemical supplies that they’ve found on their adventures or created themselves.
Adventurers run on bread and beer, and the adventurers of Covalon are no different. The Brass Snail is the premiere location for the city’s intrepid explorers and grizzled warriors to relax after a day’s adventurers, complete with rooms for staying overnight and a public stage often utilized by Covalon’s troupe of performers. The proprieter, Drusk (male lizardfolk bartender), is always around to serve thirsty patrons, and some adventurers choose to work at the Snail in between adventures as well.
The Brass Snail. Designed by Sheas.
Though once the only store in Covalon, the General Store has since been overshadowed by the myriad of stalls in the marketplace and the fancy new businesses founded by ambitious citizens. Its glory days have come and gone, but it still inhabits a relevant niche by selling mundane goods at a fair market price.
The General Store. Designed by Sheas.
Even the dark days of a post-Cataclysm world need a splash of color to brighten them up every now and then! Citizens of Covalon looking to adorn themselves with the latest fashion need look no further than The Weaver’s Web. The store is owned by the mysterious Qetello Fate-Weaver (nonbinary human witch), a fortune-teller who inherited it from the former regent of Covalon and has since expanded it into a supply station for all adventurers new to the city. Newcomers can often be seen walking into the Weaver’s Web with a smile and walking out with gear and potions; Qetello is as charitable as they are enigmatic!
The Weaver’s Web. Designed by Sheas.
In the right circumstances, contradictory disciplines can often be complimentary; a lesson nobody in Covalon knows better than the Snowdrop twins. Ran by Kelani Snowdrop (female ratfolk inventor) and Kona Snowdrop (male ratfolk rogue), Remedies and Afflictions supply adventurers with both dangerous poisons and the elixirs needed to cure them, as well as a multitude as other useful alchemic and magic goods. This intersection of of markets has allowed Remedies and Afflictions to become one of the most popular stores in Covalon, with multitudes of satisfied customers.
Remedies and Afflictions. Designed by Sheas.
Snowdrop Residence. Designed by Sheas.
For the discerning adventurer, quality goods are a must, and no one knows quality better than Kipza Quickclaw (male ratfolk rogue). Serving as a workshop, storefront, and records office all-in-one, Kipza specializes in connecting customers with whatever they need - whether that be through brokering a deal with a third party or creating the product or solution.
Accoutrements & Acquisitions. Designed by Sheas.
Coming soon!
A cultural exchange center between lizardfolk and the “soft ones,” Iruxi Inc. sells traditional Iruxi talismans to the adventurers of Covalon. Founded and ran by Lord Hazi (male lizardfolk champion) and Sheas (female lizardfolk monk), the shop also holds classes on Iruxi language, literature, history, art, and ancient meditation practices, complete with periodic tea breaks. Many in Covalon believe that the store is merely a front for a secret organization of Iruxi intelligence operatives, but there’s no credible evidence to back up those rumors.
Iruxi Inc. Designed by Sheas.
Coming soon!
The Flowing Firkin. Designed by Sheas.
The Flowing Firkin Residence. Designed by Sheas.
If an adventurer is ever in need of magical wood working seek out Reginald-4’s (nonbinary android wizard) W.O.O.D. S.H.O.P., and when you do make sure to ask for the full name. Specializing in personal staffs, wands, and other wood projects, Reginald’s items are built to last. The wood of the tower has decorative geometric and arcane sigils carved by Reginald themself all across the pillars and beams as a testament to their skill. If a friendly voice is all you need, Reginald enjoys narrating while crafting. Stop on by and enjoy a demonstration or ask questions, but be careful, it might end up as a longwinded lecture.
W.O.O.D. S.H.O.P. sign. Designed by Reginald-4.
WELCOME TO THE POISONOUS PAIR: We specialize in keeping things comfortable. We keep our doors open all day and night for those who wish to talk business, or for those who wish to read from our assortment of books and enjoy some nice tea.
Poisonous Pair sign. Designed by Tox Faelbite.
Poisonous Pair main floor. Designed by Tox Faelbite.
Poisonous Pair basement. Designed by Tox Faelbite.
While the doctors of Covalon are doing a great job keeping everyone alive and healthy, not every ailment can be fixed with a bandaid and a bunch of potions. And for just these cases, Mind and Matter offers a different, more personalized approach to helping people. The cozy shop with its comfy carpets and faint lavender scent pervading everything is filled to the brim with sky-high shelves offering crystals, medical herbs, esoteric implements, charms, and other occult items, created and sold by Ren and Chan, while Yara offers her holistic and spiritual healing services and harrowings for those seeking answers in the back. If you’re not sure where to go with a problem, Mind and Matter is never a bad choice.
Mind and Matter. Designed by Yara.
The district of yurts akin to that of Drifthaven has shops and businesses for your relaxation! The Encore District is a contrast to the busier Market District in both appearance and ambiance, with much more colourful and cozy yurts, come on by if you need some relaxation!
The post-Cataclysm world can be dreary, and everyone needs a place to relax for an hour (or ten). The Fair Weather Lounge happily welcomes anyone needing somewhere to sit down and unwind, or celebrate life and joy. The owner, Lady Yali Fa’el (female human alchemist), and her co-owners, Tenvar Summerbend (male human gunslinger) and Hailey (female gnome summoner), seek to create an environment of cheer and laughter where guests can remember why the world is worth fighting for. Located in the Encore District, the Fair Weather Lounge is the coziest place to share a drink with friends, play music by the riverside, or smoke a bowl of flayleaf while reading a good book.
The Fair Weather Lounge. Designed by Sheas.
Though at first glance, this deep purple yurt may invoke feelings of unease and fear, those who know the eccentric owner know that the Bubblin’ Coven is a welcoming place. Run by Myka Fa’el (female elf changeling witch) and her familiar Willow, they supply the town with occult crafts and services. Curse removal and potions are common purchases, but the store is also known for two specialties: serums of sex shift and careful uses of the bestial curse to help others try and find their true selves.
The Bubblin’ Coven. Designed by Sheas.
The soft sounds of music and the sweet smell of pastries linger around Fayne’s Sweet Freedom, owned by Mima Melonbun (female halfling witch). She prides herself on creating a safe and comfortable space for all ages, personally greeting each customer when she isn’t at work on the next batch of pastries. Along with Mima’s pastries, potions, and spellcasting services, the establishment also demos and sells toys made by Alora (female halfling ganzi summoner), and Rhia Fizzlefang (female gnoll champion) can often be found helping with orders and entertaining guests.
Fayne’s Sweet Freedoms. Designed by Sheas.
Behind the maple sliding door and Japanese facade, lies a warm and comfy restaurant. This restaurant serves all types of seafood, you name it, she can cook it and you can even challenge the chef! Near the back, is an open air kitchen where you can watch the chef prepare and cook the food, providing a experience where it feels like you are included in every part of it. Come on in if you want to enjoy some of the best seafood in Covalon or if you want to just chill out and drink tea!
Sea Vixen’s Tavern Ground Floor. Designed by Koji.
Sea Vixen’s Tavern Second Floor. Designed by Koji.
Covalon, The City at the End of the World, to stand against the Maw has bolstered their populace and have kept their militant district primed to face the threats from beyond the walls. The sounds of steel and magic can often be heard from this district as adventurers and guards alike practice their abilities on the grounds, ready to protect the city!
Formerly Baron Freetide’s keep, the Guard Barracks is the base of operation for the city guard, Covalon’s Cuirass. In addition to beds and a mess hall, it also features offices and cells for keeping criminal activity under control.
Guard Barracks. Designed by Sheas.
The dangers of the outside world have necessitated the establishment of a training grounds for both the adventurers and the town guard to hone their martial prowess. Throughout the day, the bold and the valiant can be found here, refining their fundamentals and developing new techniques for use in battle, and occasionally, friendly duels or three-on-three brawls take place.
The Training Hall. Designed by Sheas.
The Brawl Arena. Designed by Sheas.
Within these walls lies the forge of a master smith and one of the few trained in the halls of Whitespire. The Choasbrand Forge serves as workshop and home to Kosta Chaosbrand (Male Dwarf Magus). Kosta specializes in the dwarven art of the blacksmithing, a heritage he wishes to share with Covalon. His forge is open to all who wish to acquire fine arms of dwarven make, in need of a good smith, or who wish to learn a bit of dwarven culture and craft.
Chaosbrand Forge. Designed by Kosta.
Looking to escape the busier areas of the city? The Lake District may be of interest to you! From curated camp grounds, to properly organized guilds, the Lake District is the quietest district of the city, perfect for relaxing after adventuring!
Symbolizing Covalon’s cooperative efforts to stand against the Cataclysm, the Heartstone Sanctuary was commissioned by the Servants of Terra to provide free living quarters to new arrivals in Covalon. Its day to day operations are orchestrated by the sanctuary overseer Bumble the Humble (male kitsune cleric), who keeps the establishment clean, the baths warm, and the kitchen stocked with food.
Heartstone Sanctuary, ground floor. Designed by Sheas.
Heartstone Sanctuary, second floor. Designed by Sheas.
While adventurers and guards keep the town safe the children still need an education for the future! The School is supplied with plenty of books and educational materials to ensure that the next generation will be knowledgable enough to help with rebuilding the world after the Cataclysm.
For Covalonians who can’t afford property or prefer sleeping under the stars, the Servants of Terra have cleared an area of the forest to be used as a public campground. The ranger station is staffed by forest warden Kouzo (male goloma cleric), and any citizen of Covalon can obtain a permit to stay at the campgrounds as long as they like if they promise to respect the forest and pay a small fee.
Lakeview Campgound. Designed by Sheas.
The Fireside, the headquarters of the Lightkeepers, is a quaint building made of simple stone bricks and wood, at first glance looking more like a home than anything else, with a thick column of white smoke coming out of the impressively sized chimney. It has small passage with a stony floor somewhat over-taken by the surrounding grass that leads to a set of double doors that give entrance to the main tavern. Here, guild members will usually man the bar or hang around with any would be patrons, offering a conversation, a drink, some song, a good story or just the warmth of the big fireplace that is always aflame to warm any weary soul. When not being used as a gathering spot for social meetings among friends or for events, The Fireside is also a hub for new dungeoneers to come ask for some help, whether in need of basic gear or just searching for tips on how to stay alive for longer out there.
“The Fireside is always open with a flagon ready for you.” - Sign that can be read just outside the building.
The Fireside, ground floor. Designed by Ren.
The Fireside, second floor. Designed by Ren.
A beautiful garden that stands as a testament to the harmony between nature and humanoids is the center of the Children of the Chicome. The garden is filled with both flowers and various plants that grow herbs and fruits. In the center is a well maintened pond with lovely lillypads resting on top of the surface. On a nearby tree rests a swingset, so once may relax and take in the eneviornment around them. In the back is a greenhouse dedicated to more sensitive plants. Stone steps intertwined with roots lead down to an underground den. Here guildmates may relax and rest, protected from the weather upstairs. Various forms of comfort such as pillows, blankets, and bundles of hay are here for those who may need or want them. A lovely rock garden showcases another beautiful aspect of nature. One can also see a well maintained shrine to the Circle of the Stars to honor a fallen member.
Nature’s Serenity, ground floor. Designed by Valerie.
Nature’s Serenity, basement. Designed by Valerie.
Between the studious halls of the school, and the reserves of Nature’s Serenity, lies the Covalon Historical Society. An impressive stonework facade gives way to welcoming wooden interior, and a bustling entryway laden with notes and records of the exhibits within. The lower floor consists of a few smaller exhibits, as well as a grand ballroom complete with vaulted ceilings and stone pedestals for magically preserved specimen. The upper floors consist of more smaller exhibits, and a more complete archive room to supplement the ledger in the lobby.
Covalon Historical Society. Designed by Zoe.
Amid the arid conditions of the region, Covalon, and more specifically the Heart’s Forest stands in defiance to the wastes beyond the walls. Tall trees, sturdy shrubs, and bountiful flora have been brought forward by the Heart of Terra’s magic, leaving visible evidence of the powerful artifact’s effects on the city.
The Heart of Terra, Covalon’s most precious artifact, rests inside a special shrine where it is closely guarded. The Servants of Terra occasionally travel to the shrine to commune with the Heart or execute resurrection contracts, but most of the city’s citizens stay a respectful distance away out of reverence for the relic that ensures their survival.
The Shrine of Terra. Designed by Sheas.
A modest structure for those who wish to partake in the wilds of the forest alongside the comforts of town. The Heart’s Forest provides the herbalists Rinka and Yksys with ample resources for their elixirs and tonics, and they, in turn, wish to share this bounty with all Covalonians. An open deck provides seating for those who wish to linger among the growth whilst enjoying the small waterfall and a curated variety of teas and herbal infusions served throughout the day. Come at the right time and perhaps catch a glimpse of the two proprietors at work at their vats and retorts and learn a bit about diverse alchemical traditions. Rinka’s connection to the unchecked vitality of nature and Yksys’s commitment to the hospitality of the Heart’s Sanctuary blend to yield a taste of serenity in this trying world we find ourselves in.
Wild Draughts Sign. Designed by Rinka.
Wild Draughts. Designed by Rinka.
The bustle on the docks in the morning is a surprising contrast to the remainder of the day. Early mornings on the docks have fishermen going about their business heading out to provide food for the city. Sturdy boats and sturdier nets are found in abundance in the dockyards ready for the daily needs of Covalon.
Welcome to the North Star! Covalon’s first full scale galleon, which ferried our adventurers on their first expedition to Ikouga. After a mishap with a powerful Kraken left her beached, a group of dedicated explorers banded together to repair and bring it home, founding the Trella’s Travellers Guild! Trellas seeks to support Covalon’s efforts to reclaim and reexplore the vast world of Elleaterra.
Though the North Star is now a permeant base of operations in Covalon for the guild, it still offers a plethora of spaces for it’s guild members to meet, plan further expedition projects, create maps, research lost cultures, and occasionally relax and have fun!
The North Star. Designed by Mikom.
Thanks to the magic of the Heart of Terra, the soil and climate of Covalon have shifted from an arid wasteland to a temperate oasis, allowing crops to grow. Without the city’s hardworking farmers and ranchers, Covalon would struggle to survive; hunger is a dragon that cannot be slain with a sword.
The apex of Iruxi technology, Covalon’s cold storage cave was constructed in order to better preserve stockpiled food. Sheas, steward of the farm (female lizardfolk monk), oversees the cave, ensuring that enough food is kept in reserve to survive a famine… or second Cataclysm.
Food Storage Cold Cave. Designed by Sheas.
On the western side of the city overlooking the farmlands and encore district stands the Mountain View District. Predominantly a residential district this region can be called home to those that simply prefer the comforts of the mountains or the protection of dwellings built in to the hard stone of the mountains. The mountains give a perfect overlook of Covalon as the light touches this district a few moments before the rest of the city.
A primarily residential district along the western riverbank, River Run offers beautiful views and quiet relaxation, all not far from the liveliness of the Town Center. Many of the houses and businesses offer a riverside view, and the waterfront lots are particularly sought after.
Nestled atop the hills of the River Run District, the Verdant Flame Vineyard and Winery allows its patrons to relax apart from the usual hustle and bustle of the City. Owned by Lady Cerise Solé (female human kineticist) and her guardian Sresk Solé (female lizardfolk rogue), this winery prides itself on providing one of the finest tasting experiences in Covalon. Our premier grapes are grown with careful application of kinetic magic, resulting in an exceptional and unique blends. Come in, and be shown to a seat inside the custom wooden interior, or relax on our upper balcony to enjoy a gorgeous view of Covalon’s river.
Verdant Flame Ground. Designed by Rinka.
Verdant Flame Sign. Designed by Kona.
Verdant Flame Upper. Designed by Rinka.
Nestled between the eastern mountains and the river the North Gate District boasts administrative buildings and fortifications for the wall’s defences. The large plots of land make for prime locations for guild halls.
Hidden behind black stone walls and stained glass windows, the spellcasters of the House of Dusk and Dawn are dedicated to advancing all aspects of the field of necromancy. Under the auspices of the necromancer Zhaal Revane (male human wizard), Death’s Door was constructed as a safe haven for any who seek to better understand their journey towards the beyond.
Death’s Door, ground floor. Designed by Zhaal.
Death’s Door, second floor. Designed by Zhaal.
Nestled in the hills of the north gate district, an awe-inspiring monument stands tall . Behold Rumil Azanul, the Mountain Home both in name and purpose. This great hall symbolizes the alliance of the surviving dwarven clans, united to rebuild and preserve the ancient customs and artisnal crafts of thier people.
A visit to Rumil Azanul immerses you in the rich tapestry of traditional dwarven architecture. Greeting you at its entrance is a life-sized marble sentinel, a tribute to an Ironbeard warrior from Whitespire. As you step inside, the lofty arched corridors unfold, adorned with vivid frescoes narrating the epic sagas of dwarven history and showcasing recent triumphs against formidable adversaries. \
The centerpiece of this magnificent hold is its grand hall, where a colossal table with twelve regal seats command attention. Despite the spaciousness, an inviting warmth envelops the room. Beyond the great hall, a series of doors beckon, leading to the dormitories and descending stairs that reveal the true heart of Rumil Azanul: the workshop.
Nestled directly beneath the great hall, the workshop plays host to an expansive and intricately designed forge, surrounded by a multitude of work tables and anvils. It’s immediately apparent, even to those unfamiliar with such domains, that this is where the bulk of their efforts went into construction, and likely where the guild members dedicate their time and skill. Within these hallowed walls, the legacy of the dwarven clans is expertly crafted and preserved for generations to come
Rumil Azanul, Workshop. Designed by Kosta Chaosbrand.
Runil Azanul, Main Floor. Designed by Kosta Chaosbrand.
As Covalon has reclaimed areas of Elleaterra, we have also succeessfully managed to fortify some of our expedition camp locations into fully inhabitable districts in their own right. Many citizens choose to have their residences, businesses, or guild halls in these outer districts.
Located in Middlemist, this cozy store serves as a one-stop-shop for scrolls and other equipment favored by spellcasters, and is ran by the elusive illusionist Ionela Liebert (female human wizard). Rumor has it that Ionela rarely runs her own store, instead preferring to leave the work to illusory doubles of herself, but no one really knows for sure.
The Second Scroll. Designed by Sheas.
South of Covalon lies a horrific scar on the world known as the Maw. Ever since the cataclysm, vile creatures hellbent on Covalon’s destruction have poured out of it. After repelling the Maw’s undead armies and their skeletal draconic general during the Siege of Covalon, the city has managed to establish an outpost among the edge of the Maw. Here, guards keep a vigilant watch for signs of another attack and the boldest of Covalon’s adventurers undertake dangerous descents into the Maw itself.
The Maw Outpost. Designed by Sheas.
Adventurers who share a common cause can band together to establish an official company known as a guild. Guilds foster cooperative and collaborative environments that benefit Covalon in a variety of ways.
A guild dedicated to the maintenance and prosperity of Covalon’s Library, through the organization and creation of reading material and the upkeep of its property. All members get a small handcrafted stamp with The Archivists herald, to use when publishing books and approving documents. Although not a requirement, members can (and are encouraged) to earn their keep by publishing new works for The Archivists.
Goals Improve the general populace’s knowledge by improving the organization, state, and wealth of knowledge of Covalon’s library. Find new knowledge to fill the shelves.
Headquarters The Library
Leader Ateia
Members Cinna, Phillip Stildori, Tox Faelbite, Einheri, Apprentice, Thaniel
Membership Requirements Trained in two Recall Knowledge skills
Values Know and adhere to the book organization system. Uphold the order of the library - messes should be cleaned up, books and scrolls returned to their proper places, and indoor voices used.
Anathema Leave the library in a mess or destroy any of its property. Keep new information from the library. Remove or hide any existing information
A guild for the crafters of Covalon.
Goals Through their act of creation, restoring the foundations of civilization
Headquarters The Crafting Hall
Leader None
Members Arlette, Gabbro, Kotori, Kosta Chaosbrand, Makaria, Rengrant, James Juki-Kajiya, Von Heldberg
Membership Requirements Trained in Crafting or an associated Lore skill
Values Values good works; Never offer less than your best.
Anathema Taking advantage of another’s need for inordinate gain.
The Archivists Guild Heraldry. Designed by Ateia.
The Authors of Creation Guild Heraldry. Designed by Kosta.
Healing focused adventurers dedicated to providing care to all citizens of Covalon.
Goals Provide holistic medical care to any citizen in need, Grow and develop the quality and scope of medical care in Covalon, Provide medical supplies and teach medical knowledge
Headquarters Doc’s Medical Center (The Infirmary)
Leader None
Members Akuma Chitsuki, Brumata, Kelani Snowdrop, Kona Snowdrop, Komainu, Micir, Mina Maplesmith, Myka Fa’el, Mira, Rinka, Yali Fa’el, Pyre Toof
Membership Requirements Trained in Medicine
Values Capability, Humility, Respect
Anathema Refuse to treat a patient, Break doctor/patient confidentiality, Abuse your role as a caregiver
Protectors and servitors of the Heart of Terra.
Goals Understand and Execute the will of the Heart of Terra and protection of the heart and the resources it provides.
Headquarters Heartstone Sanctuary
Leader Hazi
Members Arawnspawn, Bumble, Kouzo, Micir, Sheas, Yksys, Basilla, Munqir
Membership Requirements Trained in Nature or Religion
Anathema Exploit or destroy the resources given by the heart, deny shelter to those in need, refuse counsel to those who ask.
Members of Covalon passing on their varied knowledge to others.
Goals Educate the new and current generations of citizens
Headquarters The School
Leader Onyat
Members Reginald-4
Membership Requirements Expert in a skill related to an educational subject
Values Education, safety, positivity, encouragement
Anathema Destroy a source of knowledge
Covalon Medical Society Guild Heraldry. Designed by Kona.
The Servants of Terra Guild Heraldry. Designed by Sheas.
The Teacher’s Union Guild Heraldry. Designed by Sheas.
Adventurers dedicated to the rediscovery of Elleaterra.
Goals Support Covalon’s expedition teams, recover lost cultures, re-explore the world
Headquarters The North Star
Leader None
Members Kona Snowdrop, Kelani Snowdrop, Brynn Ebonheart, Mikom, Resh, Komainu, Emmenarthe
Membership Requirements Believe in and actively support the guild’s goals and values
Values Adventure, camaraderie, teamwork
Anathema None
Spellcasters delving into the secrets of resurrection and reanimation. “Life and Death are a cycle, we learn of death to better understand our lives.” This is the ethos of The House of Dusk and Dawn.
Goals Research ways to extend life, promote the public image of necromancy, work collaboratively with the livng and the dead, investigate the applications of positive and negative energy.
Headquarters Death’s Door
Leader None
Members Myka Fa’el, Arkhan Blackstaff, Tenvar, Rinka
Membership Requirements The ability to cast a necromancy spell
Values Knowledge, pragmatism, open-mindedness, ambition
Anathema permanently animate an intelligent undead against its will, destroy necromantic knowledge
A guild for those who seek a warm home and friendly faces in a broken world.
Goals Forge a new joyful existence with guidance from our past, connecting people
Headquarters The Fireside Inn
Leader None
Members Brumata, Ciriaco, Rengrant, Dante D’Alessandro, Munqir, Yara
Membership Requirements A kind heart, empathy, and patience
Values Storytelling, positivity
Anathema Laughing at others’ misery with malicious intent, not helping those who need it
Trella’s Travellers Guild Heraldry. Designed by Kona.
House of Dusk and Dawn Guild Heraldry. Designed by Ateia.
The Lightkeepers Guild Heraldry.
A community dedicated to restoring the balance of nature in the land.
Goals Restore nature in lands that have been cleansed of evil, foster a community of health and prosperity
Headquarters Nature’s Serenity
Leader Valerie
Members Cinna, Seren, Lovell, Elysia, Shawna, Iris
Membership Requirements none
Values Respect nature, cooperation, harmony
Anathema Allow nature to be harmed unnecessarily, stifle growth and change, neglect those in your community.
A guild dedicated to preserving Covalon’s history.
Goals Record Covalon’s history, catalogue and preserve items from before the cataclysm, pursue knowledge, prepare for posterity.
Headquarters Covalon Historical Society
Leader Zoe
Members Ateia, Phillip, Tox, Seren
Membership Requirements Expert or greater proficiency in a relevant Lore
Values Discovery, recovery, study, preservation.
Anathema Damage or deface an item of interest, destroy a source of knowledge, place personal financial gain over the preservation of history.
Modeled after an old adventuring group of the same name in Vyrm, the Stouthearts are an organization dedicated to promoting dwarven culture and protecting Covalon from corruption.
Goals Protecting Covalon from the Maw’s corruption, providing kinship for dwarven folk that have lost their clan, acting as a bulwark between innocents and danger.
Headquarters Rumil Azanul (ᚱᚢᛗᛁᛚ ᚨᛉᚨᚾᚢᛚ)
Leader None
Members Gabbro, Dorden, Kosta, Behn “The Boulder” Stoneskin, Gemma Hammerfist, Petra Luring, Whuthrock Hammerbeard
Membership Requirements Dwarven ancestry, adopted dwarven ancestry, or dwarven lore.
Values Protecting innocents from corruption and oppression (both magical and mundane), promoting dwarven culture, supporting one’s kin
Anathema Disloyalty to one’s kin, oppressing the innocent, selling your clan dagger/pistol
Children of the Chicome Guild Heraldry.
Covalon Historical Society Guild Heraldry. Designed by Zoe.
The Stouthearts Guild Heraldry. Designed by Gabbro.
‘To join the guards in the city they want ya ta learn all this stuff about how ta wage war, and that’s well and good an all but we all know that all ya really need to defend the people are a good cause or a real good sword arm! So if you wanna fight for the good folks of Covalon and help us to start new civilizations then come join us and fight like a real goblin knight!’
Goals Protect the flame of civilization, help the spread of new civilizations, make every place you go stronger than how you left it
Headquarters The fancy circle in the town square
Leader Artur
Members Nynaeve, Merin, Lance, Sir Grey, Alan A’Dale, Minya
Membership Requirements Trained in Goblin Lore, Warfare Lore, or Simple Weapons.
Values Honor, Loyalty, Tenacity, Bravery.
Anathema Harming Goblins who didn’t harm you first, spreading lies, sewing discord between friendly civilizations, harming the spread of progress and worldly recovery.
The Green Knights of the Square Guild Heraldry.
Before the Cataclysm, the world flourished with nations and societies across the world. Now, only one remains: Covalon. Still, many refugees keep the faith that one day they may be able to reclaim their homelands from the terrible fates that befell them.
The separated collective.
Government Loose alliance
Population Nearly all ancestries
Religions all
Primary Exports lumber, stone, ore, fish
Geography partially forested mountain range next to the ocean
Fate madness and undead
Alatar was built on a mountain range close to the ocean and made up of many small governments in a loose alliance with one another. All gods were worshipped there. If more than 1 person had different religious views, it was common practice to simply not talk about religion with said people. Communities with more status typically lived higher up in the mountains as the land was believed to be closer to the gods.
At the very tops of the mountains lived the communities known as peak communities, of which there were 6. They had high expectations placed on them from those in their respective communities. They also typically only worshipped 1 or 2 deities per community, as religious obligations sometimes conflicted with laws otherwise. The laws were significantly stricter than those who lived lower down the mountains in terms of the punishments and definitions of the laws. They were usually the example for the lower communities to follow. Lying was extremely frowned upon as a result of Aelia’s overall strong influence and the fact that people just don’t like being lied to in general. In fact, in many communities, but not all, it was illegal to lie. It was also illegal for two communities to go to war.
After the Cataclysm, a wave of evil and negative energies rained down from the sky. The dead came to life and the living went mad. The laws in the higher communities became so absurdly strict that even the most rigidly lawful people couldn’t hope to follow all of their laws unless they were born and raised there. The madness also led to a distaste for outsiders, which kept many people there for a long time. Meanwhile the undead rose again and again, slowly but surely eating away at civilisation.
The separated collective.
Government Chiefs (nomadic war tribes)
Population orcs, hobgoblins, goblins, humans
Religions Kohtalo, Erimia, shamanism, Lotus, naturalism
Primary Exports livestock, animal products
Geography temperate grasslands, savannas, shrublands
Fate a combination of spilling elemental roils and being used as a battleground for conflicts between Heaven and the Abyss
The Armed Steppes surround the Tengeriin Uul Mountains and stretch from the Fey Courts to the northwest and Garn to the south. The rockier steppes to the north are predominantly inhabited by warring hordes, competing tooth and nail for sparse natural resources. The greener lakeside steppes to the south are mostly inhabited by descendants of nomad tribes that managed to settle down a few generations ago.
Millenia ago, the Tengeriin Uul Mountains served as a focal point for outsiders venturing into the material plane. While those visits decreased over the ages, their influence remained. This led to irreparable damage to the surrounding land, causing resource scarcity and forcing the inhabitants into a largely nomadic lifestyle. Culturally, they became a place of pilgrimage for many, due to their connection to the outer planes, though some clans held strongly onto the grudges of the region and persecuted those planar scions who bore the blood of the outsiders who once were common here.
A poisonous, swampy wilderness.
Government Segmented tribes
Population humans, lizardfolk, goblins, grippli, azarketi
Religions various
Primary Exports oil, fish, papyrus, lumber, darkwood
Geography wetland, swampy bayou, briars
Fate unknown
The Briarmurk was less of a nation and more of an inhospitable wasteland dominated by poisonous flora. Still, some tribes of hardy individuals managed to survive… until the Cataclsym struck. No one knows for sure what happened to the tribes of the swamp; immigrants only report that they were separated from their tribes and unable to find them again.
The ever-partying paradise.
Government Commune
Population humans, halflings, elves, half-elves
Religions various
Primary Exports artwork, flayleaf, artisanal goods (such as cheeses and fruit juices), various other crops
Geography warm and humid plain with heavy rains in the spring time, adjacent to dense forst
Fate overrun by undead
Drifthaven was a relatively small town of peace loving folk. Much of their time was spent in revelry, often throwing large parties involving the entire town to celebrate anything from the changing of the seasons, to a group of people being in a particularly good mood that evening. Home to many artists and makers of music, a celebration had here was generally fairly memorable. The folks of the town welcomed travelers with open arms, encouraging them to stay around and enjoy events they had in town. Music, ale, and other creature comforts were traded for goods and news from the outside very often. The people of Drifthaven themselves hardly ever left their own borders. The town itself was comprised of almost no physical buildings besides a silo, a storehouse, and a stable. All other buildings were canvas structures, such as tents, pavilions, and their ilk. Most denizens of Drifthaven could speak both Common and Sylvan. Due to their down to earth mentality, most preferred the Sylvan language so much it became notable as their regional language. Swords, Daggers, Flails, and most weapons were strictly prohibited within the borders of Drifthaven. To be caught with a weapon was grounds for immediate banishment from the premises. Due to this, there was no military force. Due to a very low crime rate, law enforcement was minimal at best. A band of no more than 20 people at a time with minimal training in non lethal weapons kept the peace in large gatherings. Because incidents were so low, they were hardly ever needed.
The Cataclysm ended Drifthaven in a swarm of undead. Due to a distinct lack of military might, the tent city was destroyed in a matter of hours. Very few are expected to have survived.
Our efforts to reclaim Drifthaven are complete! The journey to Drifthaven would be one like no other. Our information alerted us to hordes of undead, swarming across the once peaceful place. We’ve contended with different threats before, terrain in Gornlar, temperature in Pudersno and tentacles in Ikouga but never a veritable army. This would require a more creative approach, and create we did. Bones, bones, bones! We gathered all the bones and from them we birthed a mighty chariot. Drawn by undead bulls and furnished with the latest of gothic fashions, this vessel was a necromantic tour de force; perfect to delve deep into Drifthaven, the domain of death.
In spite of our attempts at subterfuge, our travels were anything but uneventful. We had to rally together to build a raft due to unpredicted river complications, were serenaded by spooky spectres and constantly fighting to push through the throngs of mindless corpses barring our path. The greatest danger though was when our rouse almost faltered and dead eyes fell upon us. Thankfully, careful planning for this possibility had meant we had disguise kits at the ready and we were able to mend our macabre masquerade.From our base of operations, a yurt ringed in bone walls, we set out to establish our foothold. While most of the undead in the area were mindless, we realised quickly that liches were an important part of their operations. So we hit them where it hurts, right in the soul cage. We then moved on to disrupting their supply chain; wars need weapons and we had exactly the tools to take them off the table, explosives. Finally, we turned to the people who knew this land best for advice, the spirits of those who had met their end here. Channelling their songs we let them guide us to our ultimate enemy, the Archlich Faltyr.
The scale of our war with Faltyr was greater than any before. To even approach the undead lord we needed to carve our way through swarms of countless undead. Even at the crescendo of our conflict, as we faced him down in his Cathedral of Death, we continued to be harried by masses of zombies, skeletons and mindless monstrosities of all kinds. Yet for all their numbers, we were stronger. We destroyed the lich’s soul cages and cast his spirit into the beyond. Life beats in the heart of Drifthaven once more.
The following characters were the first to defeat the lich Faltyr in Drifthaven’s expedition finale.
Brumata (Summoner 15)
Kotori (Kineticist 15)
Lumie (Bard 15)
Phillip (Wizard 15)
Sej (Fighter 15)
Tenvar (Gunslinger 15)
Rinka (Witch 15)
Komainu (Rogue 15)
Kona (Rogue 15)
Kelani (Inventor 15)
Celeste (Cleric 15)
Yksys (Champion 15)
Cinna (Sorcerer 15)
Valerie (Fighter 15)
Tox (Thaumaturge 15)
Brynn (Champion 15)
Kouzo (Gunslinger 15)
Covalon’s disguised yurt in Drifthaven. Designed by Rinka.
Subjects of the Alidian Forest.
Government Fey Courts (monarchy)
Population fey, elves, leshy, gnomes, and various druids
Religions naturalism
Primary Exports none (isolationist)
Geography large forest featuring many glades, two major rivers, and a series of hidden waterfalls
Fate unknown
Three or so centuries ago, the Fey Court returned at the behest of the Ailidian Commune of the Ailidian Forests to combat the encroachment of kingdoms wishing to excavate their ancient trees. Upon the Fey Courts’ arrival, the forests took on a more twisted, surreal look, drawing many would-be timberers into nutrients for the slowly expanding woodlands.
The Fey Courts expedition has been COMPLETED - summary to come!
The following characters were the first to defeat the metal elemental Lethallica in the Fey Court’s expedition finale.
Aerin Velika (Cleric 10)
Bhoomi (Fighter 15)
Brumata (Summoner 15)
Cressida (Rogue 11)
Cinna (Sorcerer 15)
Durbal (Rogue 15)
Foram (Fighter 11)
Kelani Snowdrop (Inventor 15)
Koji (Oracle 15)
Komainu (Rogue 15)
Kona Snowdrop (Alchemist 15)
Kosta (Magus 15)
Kouzo (Gunslinger 15)
Mira (Ranger 15)
Nina (Sorcerer 12)
Phillip (Wizard 15)
Rinka (Witch 15)
Samerio (Swashbuckler 12)
Seren (Swashbuckler 12)
Thurg (Barbarian 15)
Valerie (Swashbuckler 15)
Zoe (Summoner 15)
Covalon’s hidden camp in the trees. Designed by Rinka.
Haven of goblinkind.
Government The Prez and Senatorz (democratic republic)
Population goblins, hobgoblins, halflings
Religions animistic shamanism, dragons, demons
Primary Exports coffee, weapons
Geography swampy forests, rock spires
Fate hostile takeover
Before the Cataclysm, Garn was a place where goblinkind could live without fear of death or destruction. While many of the quirks of goblin society remained, both the central government and the tribes lived in peace together. However, during the Cataclysm the capital of Garn was destroyed and overthrown by a violent warlord, sparing only the tribes living outside the bounds of society - but fearing for their safety, they abandoned their homeland to test their luck elsewhere in the world.
Freeholds united by ambition.
Government The Wolves of the Holds (stratocracy)
Population humans, dwarves, half-orcs, hobgoblins
Religions Gunvald
Primary Exports weapons, armor, ore, tools, lumber, ships
Geography mountain ridges and rocky flatlands
Fate razed by dragons
Gornlar began as a collection of hunters and mercenaries constructing hunting outposts in fertile hunting grounds. After finding many plentiful mountainsides lined with mines, they began unifying together as a single entity. Their weapons, armor, and military might was widely considered threatening, but too chaotic to truly be feared. Multiple warlords from each outpost bickered and even fought amongst themselves over territory within the collective. As the freeholds began to grow, they began to overthrow smaller nations. Eventually, they established themselves as an official freehold. As the end of days came, mighty dragons descended from the mountains and brought ruin to the freeholds.
Efforts to reclaim Gornlar are complete! Due to roaming dragons, the safest way to approach Gornlar was a clockwork drill to bore a tunnel through the mountains to the west of Covalon. The drill needed significant upgrades in order to complete this task, including layers of potency crystal coating to empower its drill bit, fulus of fire suppression for temperature control, and black powder kegs to blast through anything that the drill can’t penetrate. The adventurers of Trella’s Travelers took charge in augmenting the drill, transforming it into a mechanical marvel known as The Den Maker.
The Den Maker. Designed by Sheas.
Upon breaching the mountain between Covalon and Gornlar, the drill was set upon by a pair of ancient dragons. Amidst a storm of frost and magma, it went into overdrive to burrow into a nearby cliff. Luckily, the drill uncovered a series of tunnels that led into the domains of the two dragons - a conjoined pair of mountains, one covered in flame, and the other covered in frost. By exploring these mountains, we discovered information crucuial to defeating the two dragons. Ashgut, the magma dragon, and Fjordcarver, the white dragon, were mortal enemies for centuries before they knocked each other into comas in a fierce battle. The cataclysm reawakened the two, and their ensuing battles razed Gornlar to the ground. The Covalonians found that these two mighty dragons were invincible when challenged on their own, but by battling both at the same time, they were able to turn the dragons’ elemental powers against them. Ashgut and Fjordcarver were felled in a ravine at the intersection of the conjoined mountains, where a Vessel of the Maw was discovered and destroyed by our own Seed of Terra.
The following characters were the first to defeat Ashgut and Fjordcarver in Gornlar’s expedition finale.
Altiria (Fighter 12)
Arash Kavaarhaad (Gunslinger 12)
Arlette Islestem (Investigator 12)
Basil Twitchpaw (Fighter 12)
Brynn Ebonheart (Champion 12)
Bumble (Cleric 12)
Clara Houser (Swashbuckler 12)
Devrell (Ranger 12)
Gabbro Steelbelly (Monk 12)
Hazi (Champion 12)
Hyrus Savril (Fighter 12)
Iskierka (Ranger 12)
Kelani Snowdrop (Inventor 12)
Kona Snowdrop (Gunslinger 12)
Krokkin (Champion 12)
Mikom (Wizard 12)
Raggi (Barbarian 10)
Rohks Hammertail (Fighter 12)
Sano Tamako (Magus 12)
Sheas (Monk 12)
Stellarys (Sorcerer 12)
Turner T. Turnip (Sorcerer 12)
Victor Minato (Wizard 12)
Covalon’s outpost in Gornlar. Designed by Sheas.
The jewel of the Noctune Tropic.
Government The Ikougan Republic (senate of elected representatives)
Population humans, halflings, gnomes, azarketi, catfolk, lizardfolk
Religions Aelia, Noctune, Kujani, Karatu, Erimia
Primary Exports rum, coffee, fruits, precious stones, drugs, seafood, ships, spices, cotton, oil, resins
Geography tropical island
Fate environmental catastrophe
Out of the thousands of islands in the Noctune Tropic archipelago, only a fraction have been charted, and only a fraction of those are even worth mentioning. Upon one of such islands once sat the republic of Ikouga - a hub of trade between the other islands in the Tropic and other major civilizations such as Primrose and Gornlar. The city boasted an impressive navy that allowed it to stay separate from international politics, as well as enough ne’er-do-well privateers to keep it busy. Its idyllic climate and acces to a wealth of natural resources made it an attractive place for those both looking to fill their purse and their minds, housing headquarters for several international trading companies as well as an academy of magic and science. In time, Ikouga’s technology grew and urban development expanded, with the city encompassing more and more of the original island with every passing year, until the city expanded to the point where the entire original island had been covered by city - no original tropical forest remained.
In spite of their wealth and knowledge, the denizens of Ikouga found themselves powerless on the day the wind stopped and the ocean stood still. Over the weeks that followed, civilization in Ikouga completely destabilized from being cut off from the rest of the world, and the city descended to anarchy. Some people were killed over conflicts for food while others merely starved to death, but the greatest fools of all were the ones who attempted to flee the city by rowboat; although the ocean’s surface stood still, the beasts below the surface were more restless than ever.
Efforts to reclaim Ikouga are complete! Thanks to the contributions of Kelani Snowdrop and other citizens, Covalon was able to construct a galley and a large number of feather tokens (fan) to propel them across the windless ocean of the Noctune Tropic. Dubbed The North Star, adventurers boarded the Trella-themed vessel with starry eyes, eager to see what awaited them in Ikouga.
On the last leg of the journey, disaster struck. The ship was attacked by an unseen creature below the waves of the ocean, and the ship crashed onto the city’s beach. Luckily, everyone survived, and a base camp was erected on Ikouga’s docks. A portal has been created between the base camp at Ikouga and Covalon, and the North Star was repaired, rehabilitated, and sailed home to be the guild hall of the newly created guild Trella’s Travellers.
The flag of The North Star. Designed by Kona Snowdrop.
While exploring Ikouga and the surrounding islands, adventurers managed to unravel the mystery of the fate that befell Ikouga. Ancient Ikougans worshipped a legendary sea monster called Scylladon, the Starbreaker, which they believed had been responsible for creating the islands in the Noctune Tropic. Not only did Scylladon turn out to be real, it had also been corrupted by the foul energies of the Maw, enslaved to guard one of the Maw’s vile Vessels that formed underneath the island. Scylladon was defeated by a bold contingent of Covalonians who targeted the creature’s vulnerable tentacles instead of its heavily armored body. Since the creature’s defeat and the destruction of the Maw Vessel, the wind has returned to Ikouga, which may allow civilization to flourish there once again.
The following characters were the first to defeat Scylladon in Ikouga’s expedition finale.
Acaelus Amaris (Magus 12)
Arash Kavaarhaad (Gunslinger 12)
Bumble (Cleric 12)
Devrell (Ranger 12)
Hailey Hollowood (Summoner 11)
Hazi (Gunslinger 12)
Kona Snowdrop (Gunslinger 12)
Mikom (Wizard 12)
Mira (Bard 12)
Resh (Monk 10)
Sheas (Monk 12)
Stellarys Amaris (Sorcerer 12)
Covalon’s outpost in Ikouga. Designed by Sheas.
Dark Empire of Blossoms and Lanterns.
Government Commune & Court of Three Empress’ (Empire)
Population Elves, Fetchlings, Tengu, Duskwalkers, Dhampirs, Changelings
Religions Erimia, Golgolgoss, Riahn, Trella
Primary Exports tailoring, cosmetics, flowers, music, charms
Geography eastern, coastlands, massive mushroom stalks, juniper & cherry blossom trees
Fate engulfed in searing holy energy, consuming the area into blinding light
Kuraimori (or 暗い森), the empire that never shun sunlight, illuminated its glorious lands with lanterns, glowing mushrooms and vibrant cherry blossoms. It was a civilization that never feared death, for the people shared a spiritual connection with those who have passed on and allowed them to live in harmony with their ancestors and loved ones. Many festivals were created to honor the dead, crafting handmade paper lanterns and letting them float down the ocean to pay respects. Those with sunlight sensitivity or preferred the shadows often found peace in Kuraimori for the daytime never came, relying on only the illumination of its natural surroundings to see the path ahead. Languages such as Necril and Shadowtongue were commonly spoken but Common remained most used for the diversity of people who found home in Kuraimori. Fashion and beauty was heavily adored, the citizens of the Dark Empire would tailor and create vibrant outfits such as kimonos, hanboks, hakamas and more. Each would accessorize their handmade clothing with glowing cosmetics and vibrant jewelry to express their deep care in beauty and representation of Kuraimori. The magically adept were very common, this meant a lack of weaponry and arms to purchase or create which led to a very low crime rate. All were welcome to Kuraimori as long as one very important law was followed: respect the dead and live among them in harmony.
When the Cataclysm arose, celestials sought out Kuraimori seeing its never ending darkness as a threat. Tearing down the Dark Empire and engulfing it with searing holy energy nothing but the blinding light encased the area, leaving spirits unrested and forgotten.
Town of Leshies.
Government The Tribunal (elected council)
Population Mostly leshies
Religions Erimia
Primary Exports herbs, medicine, fruits, nuts
Geography giant evergreen forest
Fate swallowed by darkness
The town of Middlemist is a town hidden away from the eyes of mortals. The inhabitants are all Leshies that have either been abandoned, outlived, or escaped the druids that made them. This town was prosperous due to the natural bounty of the forest and the high-quality potions they produced. They traded with other villages through select merchants that would come and go. When the Calamity came, the forest was engulfed in supernatural darkness, and Middlemist hasn’t been seen since.
Our efforts to reclaim Middlemist are complete! To get to the lost lands of Middlemist we would have to travel further than ever before, across both land and sea. To this end the brightest minds in Covalon gathered to develop the plans for a vehicle for this very purpose, an airship! The Harbinger, as it would be called, was swiftly crafted by the citizens of our city and we set forth through the skies.
What we found though was not the mist shrouded forest our records recalled but instead a grim pall of shadow. We set up camp on the outskirts of these endarkened woods and prepared our venture within. After piercing the veil of darkness we found that the land within had become corrupted by the energies of the Maw. The trees had become twisted and angry, the animals hostile and driven mad by some unknown force. Fighting against the land itself we delved deeper and deeper into the darkness until we found the greatest horror of all, innocent leshies being siphoned of their life by terrible roots to feed some unseen entity.
This entity turned out to be the Shadow Titan, a being of pure shadow, composed of two grasping hands and a hideous visage all working in tandem to attempt to thwart our attempts to reclaim Middlemist from darkness. Though bombarded with a torrent of lasers, slaps and shadowspawn we were ultimately triumphant. We destroyed the Vessel of the Maw and shed light on Middlemist once more.
The following characters were the first to defeat the Shadow Titan in Middlemist’s expedition finale.
Kona Snowdrop (Gunslinger 15)
Kelani Snowdrop (Inventor 15)
Zhaal Revane (Summoner 15)
Arlette (Investigator 14)
Bhoomi (Monk 14)
Resh (Fighter 14)
Covalon’s outpost in Middlemist. Designed by Rinka.
Not-so-secret pirate settlement.
Government The Eight Spokes (council of pirate captains)
Population humans, elves, dwarves
Religion Noctune, Riahn, Trella
Primary Exports fish, iron, cloth
Geography shoreline, mountains
Fate abandoned
Though once a major port for the kingdom of Vyrm, the Misty Shores were overtaken by pirates long ago. They settled in and made a crude facsimile of a society, which is exactly the way the pirate gangs preferred life. When the Cataclysm came to the kingdom of Vyrm, the pirates of the Misty Shores abandoned their town, preferring to be held at the mercy of the sea than be turned into mindless husks.
Monument of magical mastery.
Government The Archmages (magocracy)
Population elves, humans, gnomes, ratfolk
Religion Kujani, Aelia, Karatu, Xan’Zyk
Primary Exports magical crafts, spell reagents, spellcasting services
Geography rainy plains
Fate overrun by summoned creatures
Ostengrad was home to the renowned Ravenrook Academy of the Arcane Arts, a well established and highly regarded school for arcane and occult practitioners. Ostengrad kept its expansion hungry neighbours sweet with regular spellcasting services, along with heavy investment in casters practiced in warfare. A deeply nationalistic city-state proud of its place in the world, and of having survived the first wave of the Cataclysm that brought the rest of the world to its knees. Ultimately, that pride was its undoing.
The great oasis.
Government The Shahs of Primrose (oligarchy)
Population human, dwarf, halfling, kobold, ratfolk
Religion Kujani, Aelia, Gunvald
Primary Exports glassware, pottery, textiles, jewelry
Geography coast of an arid desert, surrounded by rocky cliffs
Fate destroyed by a series of natural disasters
Primrose was the result of Kujanite doctrine giving birth to a culture obsessed with expanding and developing civilization. Though it once had a reputation as an extremely fair and open society, a few mercantile organizations grew powerful enough to wrest control of the city away from its citizens. Centuries of these “Primrose Shahs” worshipped a splinter aspect of the city’s traditional god which they called “Al-Kujani,” believing that only by amassing as much wealth and power as possible would they be able to stave off an eventual “Return to the Sands.” Unfortunately, their skyscraping palaces fared no better against the Cataclysm than the rest of Primrose’s streets and boroughs.
Efforts to reclaim Primrose are complete. The city had been buried under the dunes of the desert, and conventional reclamation was mostly out of the question, but it was entirely possible that some buildings may have survived and could be dug into. Trella’s Travelers constructed the Oasis Seeker for this purpose - an alchemical scorpion mech that would be able to dig into the desert while crystallizing the sand left in its wake to prevent cave-ins. The journey was tumultuous and risky, with the Oasis Seeker threatening to fall apart at multiple points throughout the journey, but the Covalonians eventually reached Primrose and managed to bore into its underground sewer system known as the Ratways… or so they thought.
The floor of the sewers gave out beneath the hulking mech, and the Covalonians fell into a massive underground cavern. From atop a tall shelf, they looked down and saw myriads of colorful lights dancing among sandstone monuments. As their eyes adjusted to the darkness they could make out buildings, streets, and a huge palace - they had discovered a thriving city far underneath Primrose! Their arrival did not go unnoticed. A small fire wisp approached the camp and delivered an envelope sealed with the mark of a Shah - one of Primrose’s oligarchal elite. It contained a letter from Al-Fazim, a former noble of Primrose who now called herself a Shah of Duneveil. She explained that the city below them was an ancient civilization devoted to uncovering the secrets of immortality, and that in the wake of the Cataclysm, the Shahs of Primrose had usurped the city and taken command. Their sultan had plans to raise an army of undead and elementals in order to reconquer the surface world, but Al-Fazim and the other Shahs of Primrose have offered to help the Covalonians put a stop to his plans in return for assisting their own ambitious agendas. In addition to potentially locating a Vessel of the Maw, the Covalonians found themselves tasked with infiltrating a city, sowing political discord, and overthrowing a tyrant before a new force of destruction comes for their homes. Thankfully, we were able to defeat Saddam Syed, Sultan of the Sky before his plans could come to fruition, and destroy the Maw Vessel in Primrose in the process, bringing a tentative peace to the underground city.
Al-Fazim’s Letter.
The following characters were the first to defeat the Saddam Sayed, Sultan of the Sky in Primrose’s expedition finale.
Ambrose Silversprout (Magus 12)
Bumble (Cleric 12)
Devrell (Ranger 12)
Dr. Care (Sorcerer 11)
Hazi (Champion 12)
Kardat of Tollmer (Fighter 12)
Kelani Snowdrop (Inventor 12)
Kona Snowdrop (Gunslinger 12)
Kouzo (Cleric 12)
Reginald-4 (Wizard 12)
Resh (Monk 12)
Rohks Hammertail (Fighter 12)
Sheas (Monk 12)
Tiana (Cleric 12)
Tiphanie Dupont (Rogue 12)
Trixy Idolsong (Bard 12)
Victor the Vulpine (Wizard 12)
Violeta (Sorcerer 12)
Covalon’s outpost under Duneveil. Designed by Sheas.
Silhouettes against the blinding white.
Government Chief (nomadic tribes)
Population humans, goblins, giants
Religion Gunvald, Noctune
Primary Exports animal skins, ores
Geography glaciers, snowy mountains, tundra, frozen coastlines
Fate lightning storm
The Pudersnö is about as far north as one can travel in the known world, inhabited by nomadic tribes who search the frozen wasteland for food and precious metals. To the north, tribes of raiders controlled the coastline with their swift and easily landed ships. It is a harsh environment where the slightest mistake could kill a man. The tribes of Pudersnö were strong and hardy, but totally unprepared for the sky’s wrath that followed the Cataclysm.
Our efforts to reclaim Pudersnö are complete! A journey so far into the frozen north was never going to be easy, our crafters knew this from the outset, but when so many kindle hope a blaze of inspiration is never far away. An airship had served us well on our way to Middlemist and surely it would do the same as we ventured to Pudersnö. It just needed to be warmer! And so Sleipner, vessel to the North, was born.
It was impossible to know though just how bitterly cold those frozen lands had become and it wasn’t long before our heating systems needed urgent repairs. Wrenches clanging and bolts bolting we managed to keep the ship aloft, if only barely. While we thought this was the worst of it, truly the worst was yet to come… Just as the furnaces were needed to heat our hands, our precious supplies of cocoa were needed to warm our hearts and they were under siege by a swarm of impossibly cute mice! Few remember how we managed the rest of the journey after these losses, but manage we did. Then it happened.
Lightning crashing, wind howling and a resonant “BAAAAAAAAAAHHHH” that will linger in our quiet moments until the day we leave this world. We were falling, the ship was falling! Only by Captain Greenbeard’s quick thinking and masterful skymanship did we manage the surprisingly graceful landing we did.
Our mission on the ground was equally perilous to our journey through the sky. Forced to thin the ranks of our adversaries, investigate mysterious craters and even tame the power of lightning itself reclaiming Pudersnö proved to be one of our most difficult tasks yet. Little did we know how baaaad things would get. At the crescendo of our reclamations we had to face down The Mpeshi King himself, a vicious beast of storm given flesh. This horny fiend clashed with our finest but was ultimately thrown down, as we smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
The following characters were the first to defeat The Mpeshi King in Pudersnö’s expedition finale.
Cinna (Sorcerer 14)
Kelani Snowdrop (Inventor 15)
Kismet (Rogue 15)
Kona Snowdrop (Gunslinger 15)
Valerie (Thaumaturge 14)
Zhaal Revane (Wizard 15)
Covalon’s outpost in Pudersnö. Designed by Rinka.
The inexorable march of progress.
Government The Crown of Gears (Meritocratic Monarchy)
Population kobolds, gnomes, humans, dwarves, hobgoblins, ysoki
Religion none
Primary Exports technological research, worked metals, jewellery
Geography brush desert surrounded by mountains
Fate unknown
Ratchethallow was a small city, specialising in the march of mechanical progress. Whirring cogs and whistling machines lined the cramped walkways of the city. Between brass houses and belching furnaces, the city attracted the brightest and most curious minds. Nowhere else in Elleaterra could boast such unfettered access to raw materials, precision tools and most importantly a distinct lack of bureaucratic red tape. Ratchethallow knew that failure was just a step towards progress, and that so called ‘Safety Regulations’ prevented progress more than any explosion could!
Yet even Ratchethallow knew that the Cataclysm would claim them eventually. The brightest minds converged in the development of the city’s greatest machine yet. A sprawling mass of exposing wiring, tubes and ingenuity designed to keep the city safe from even the unstoppable forces of the Cataclysm. Nothing was heard from Ratchethallow after the day the machine was due to be powered on. The fate of Ratchethallow remains unknown.
The following characters were the first to defeat The Lord of Gears in Ratchethallow’s expedition finale.
Cinna (Sorcerer 15)
Kelani Snowdrop (Inventor 15)
Kona Snowdrop (Gunslinger 15)
Tox (Thaumaturge 15)
Valerie (Fighter 15)
Zhaal Revane (Wizard 15)
Efforts to reclaim Ratchethallow are complete! The greater community of Covalon’s engineers and alchemists came together to design an all-terrain trackless train, which was named The Odyssey and set up to move out from the Middlemist camp. After an unscheduled stop in the forest due to a gunked-up engine, the Odyssey departed again, only to attract the attention of a flock of clockwork ravens, several of which found places among the crew as pets.
Covalon adventurers set up camp in a sandy strait several miles outside the dome before beginning subtle excursions into the city proper to observe the inhabitants there. Ratchethallow appeared primarily unoccupied at first glance, save for what appeared to be a veritable army of mechanized constructs, obeying the commands of a shadowy figure known only as the Lord of Gears. After several close calls with constructs following adventurers back to camp and nearly alerting the city to their presence, our adventurers managed to locate the Lord of Gears to a workshop in the heart of the city.
The Lord of Gears appeared to be a massive construct housed in a workshop in the center of the dome, his size only matched by his tactical intellect. A fervent ally of the Maw, he possessed a Vessel hidden in his workshop, and was an enormous threat in his own right. A group of brave adventurers faced him in combat, and emerged victorious after a grueling battle, having reclaimed the city of Ratchethallow.
Covalon’s outpost in Ratchethallow Designed by Rinka.
The following characters were the first to defeat the Assembled Council of Taltain in Taltain’s expedition finale.
Altiria Pendragon (Fighter 12)
Arlette Islestem (Investigator 12)
Brynn Ebonheart (Champion 12)
Bumble (Cleric 12)
Hazi (Champion 12)
Hyrus Savril (Fighter 12)
Ionela Liebert (Wizard 12)
Kelani Snowdrop (Inventor 12)
Kiyomi Kanoshiro (Champion 12)
Kona Snowdrop (Gunslinger 12)
Krokkin (Champion 12)
Mira (Ranger 11)
Raggi Tharnir (Barbarian 11)
Reginald-4 (Wizard 11)
Resh (Monk 12)
Rohks Hammertail (Fighter 12)
Sano Tamako (Magus 12)
Sheas (Monk 12)
Silver (Fighter 10)
Tenvar (Gunslinger 12)
Trixy Idolsong (Bard 11)
Victor Minato (Wizard 12)
Vilwin (Alchemist 12)
Yali Fa’el (Alchemist 12)
The overturned throne.
Government None (anarchy)
Population humans, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, goblins
Religion Aelia, Karatu, Noctune
Primary Exports seafood, silk, wine, clothing, silver, sugar, cotton
Geography coastal islands with inland tropical jungle
Fate monstrous coup
Taltain was a small sovereign nation led by powerful noble families. Only humans lived a life of pleasure, coming from generations of wealth and fortune. They profited from the hard working lower class, offering them livable conditions as long as they continued to power the economical workhorse that was required to power their life styles. A number of well trained mercenary groups kept the families safe and were paid very handsomely for their duties.
Only a decade before the Cataclysm, the lower class sought aid from the nearby freeholds of Gornlar to overthrow their noble oppressors, staging an assault upon the island chains. With their help, the noble families of Taltain were all but decimated. Taltain, now ran by the usurping lower class, joined Gornlar as an official vassal. Ironically, the Cataclysm would manifest itself in Taltain by way of another coup. Faceless aberrations disguised as mercenaries infiltrated the city and slaughtered the citizens of Taltain indiscriminately.
Efforts to reclaim Taltain are complete! After being shipwrecked while en route to Ikouga, a submersible means of locomotion was deemed necessary to cross the ocean again. This led to the invention of a vessel built to resemble an octopus. Financed largely by resident cephalopod enthusiast Turner T. Turnip, the Tentacle’s Grasp jet its way through the western sea.
The Tentacle’s Grasp reached Taltain without incident. Strangely, the entire city looked to be in pristine condition, bustling with people, as if the Cataclysm had never happened! This immediately raised suspicion. All of these people wore wooden masks to cover their faces, and went about their routines with little regard to what was going on around them. The adventurers of Covalon engaged in infiltration missions to uncover the secret behind Taltain’s survival.
Finally, their efforts paid off - they learned that there was a Vessel of the Maw in Taltain, under guard by the city’s council. Covalonians stormed the office and battled against an assembly of councilors eerily similar to Covalon’s own! They operated under a single hivemind, but showed much more cohesion than their citizens - figuratively through their tactics, and literally as they combined their bodies together into an amalgam that was powerful and hideous. The Covalonians prevailed, uncovering a Vessel of the Maw underneath the councilors’ thrones and destroying it with the help of a Seed of Terra.
Covalon’s outpost in Taltain. Designed by Sheas.
The port to anywhere.
Government The Seven Guilds (7 largest seafaring guilds)
Population lizardfolk, orc, human
Religion Trella, Noctune, and an oral history of sea monsters
Primary Exports seafood, spices, alcohol, fruit
Geography small island civilisation with rocky shores
Fate swallowed by the ocean
Tarunga reigned as one of the naval powerhouses of Elleaterra. The island nation had regulated forests for the production of ships, numerous port cities that served as waypoints in a ship’s travels, and warehouses filled with goods. The capital, sharing the same name as the nation, was a sprawling port in which hundreds of ships could be seen coming and going. The Seven Guilds ruled, collaborating to ensure proper trading practices and prices of goods were regulated. When the Cataclysm came for Tarunga, it came as swelling oceans and titan tsunamis. The Seven Guilds tried to organize the nation, offloading much of the stored goods onto ships. By the time the island had been swallowed whole by the waves, most of the goods had been successfully transported away into now deadly waters. What became of those ships, only Noctune can tell.
A collision of two worlds.
Government Royal Court of Tymoria (monarchy)
Population fey, gnomes, leshy, kitsune, elves, changelings
Religion Gutom, Erimia, Cheshire
Primary Exports magical crafts, herbs, fish, textiles
Geography chaotic intersection of various biomes, fey forest
Fate swallowed by a strange mist
The small island of Tymoria was hidden within the Misty Sea. It was known to be a place of extreme primal power, even hosting a permanently open portal to the First World. This portal is the cause of the drastically diverse range of climates on the island, which necessitated living in harmony with nature instead of building vast cities. A portion of the kingdom also lay within the First World, but most non-fey denizens of Tymoria didn’t venture too far in, for there exist powerful creatures that do not fully follow the whims of the court.The Cataclysm enshrouded Tymoria in a magical mist that defies navigation; any ships that sail into it are spit out in random locations elsewhere in the Misty Sea. No one has been able to visit Tymoria since.
The eternal kingdom.
Government Queen (monarchy)
Population humans, halflings, elves, goblins
Religion The Three Sisters, Heleniel
Primary Exports wine, spices, lumber, darkwood, stone, crops, livestock
Geography temperate plains, volcanic mountains
Fate decimated by civil war
The nation of Varceta was run, by a family of benevolent vampires. This supposed benevolence hid jealous politics behind closed doors. Fearing the queen would never give up her throne, her spoiled childre conspired against her.
During the Cataclysm, the nobility realized their way of life was threatened. They enacted their conspiracy, and the queen vanished. Further confusion ensued as each sibling lay claim to her throne, and civil war broke out. Quickly expending their undead work-force, the vampiric barons turned to their mortal citizens as conscripted soldiers. Several villages and castles were abandoned almost overnight as the citizenry rebelled against their uncaring aristocratic leaders, electing to flee in search of safer lands as the ancient vampires clung to their petty feud and crumbling kingdom’s past comforts.
The last of the kingdom to fall was Darkwood Shire, a relatively peaceful rural village inhabited by gnomes, halflings, and sprites who valiantly defended themselves using spears made of darkwood. The vampires feared being staked by these farmers, but that fear eventually turned to desperation, and the Darkwood Shire was buried among a heap of bodies and vampire ashes.
The iron empire.
Government Knight Lords of the Iron Council (aristocratic oligarchy)
Population human, elf, halfling
Religion Derelis, Levona, Laws of Mortality
Primary Exports iron, copper, tin, precious metals, precious stones, weapons, armor
Geography snowy coast and mountains
Fate swallowed by the earth
Verndhelt was a highly xenophobic and amibitious empire that leveraged their heavily armored forces to conquer territory that the Iron Council demanded was theirs by right of might. Led by the divine-adjacent Knight Lords, these forces showed little mercy as their martial prowess fed the empire’s expansion. Children with potential to lead in the Empire’s Finest were scouted from ages as young as seven, and parents were paid a substantial stipend to turn their child over to the Iron Academies to learn how best they could serve their country. Citizens of Verndhelt could expect strict law enforcement, though activities within the bounds of law were encouraged, as the belief that beneficial destiny came to those who earned it with the toil of their back, but non-humans were ostricised by the nation’s culture, with tieflings treated especially poorly.
When the Cataclysm found Verndhelt, it came as a rumbling of the earth. The Iron Palace, the military academies, and most of their standing armies crumpled into the depths as a sinkhole swallowed the capital whole.
The following characters were the first to defeat Archdevil Yazeri and Celestial Court Marshal Solarius in Verndhelt’s expedition finale.
Brumata (Kineticist 15)
Celeste (Barbarian 15)
Jez (Fighter 14)
Lumie (Bard 15)
Tox (Thaumaturge 15)
Sej, the Starless (Fighter 15)
Our efforts to reclaim Verndhelt are complete! Learning from the lessons of past successes, we continued our strategy of retaking the world by air, building a blimp to ferry us to our destination. The Revolution, as it was called, built upon all our previous aeronautic knowledge and allowed us to journey further than we ever had before. As always though, our journey was not without its perils.
Our craft was harried by minor infernal and celestial nuisances, obviously remnants of whatever misfortune befell the land during the Cataclysm. Little did we know these pests were simply foreshadowing something much more powerful to come. As we made our final approach we were halted by a manifestation of the heavens themselves, a one winged angel calling itself Solarius. It warned us to turn back or be destroyed.
We pressed on.
And for that we were punished. Celestial arrows poured forth from all sides, piercing our precious Revolution. What little hope we had of staying aloft was shot down with a final barrage of infernal magic from a mighty archdevil. Our expedition had been grounded. While we made good progress searching this forgotten sinkhole, we needed more information about what was going on here. To that end we conducted a number of locating rituals and, against our better judgement, engaged with a number of diabolical masquerades. I’ve heard one of our very own has developed quite the reputation amongst the hells, the much feared Queen of Souls.
Our investigations ultimately led us to face down a diabolical general named Yazeri who we overcame with ease, or so we thought. As we cast what we thought was the final blow she held on to life. But before the battle could resume, our triumph was stolen by Solarius, the Angel who had warned us on our arrival to Verndhelt. Convinced we were interlopers, he turned on us after slaying the devil. Unfortunately for him, we slew him first. Not even the heavens can stand between us and reclaiming our homes.
A legacy of majesty.
Government The King and People’s Council (king and senate)
Population humans, elves, dwarves
Religion Gunvald
Primary Exports precious metals, crops, livestock
Geography woods, plains, mountains
Fate mindrot plague
The Kingdom of Vyrm had a storied history of success due to its unique partnership between its nobility and common citizens. Working hand-in-hand to secure better lives for their future generations, Vyrm prospered economically for dozens of generations, until recent years. Once the Misty Shores were captured by pirates, the king of Vyrm became increasingly uncooperative with the people’s council, sealing himself and the nobility inside his palace right before the Cataclysm reached the nation. Taking the form of a plague referred to as “mindrot,” citizens gradually dropped dead in the streets, only to rise moments later as mindless husks that continued carrying out their menial tasks for some unseen purpose.
The lodestone of dwarven culture.
Government Sons of the Iron Fathers (republic)
Population dwarves, humans, gnomes, halflings
Religion Local legends (the Iron Fathers), Nimane
Primary Exports raw ores, precious metals, weapons
Geography taiga forests, mountain peaks stretching beyond the clouds
Fate razed by dragons
The generational home of countless dwarves, Whitespire was a shining beacon of law and order on the northern coasts for as long as anyone can remember. Its child city Whitesmouth sat at the mouth of the River White and served as the trade hub and “public face” of the keep proper. Although they were masters of constructions, their stone vaults did little to protect them from the dragon attacks brought forth by the Cataclysm.
The various religions practiced in Elleaterra are as varied and distinct as the people themselves. The religions listed in this section are not comprehensive list, but represent major religions practiced in Elleaterra. These deities are all player submitted and free for anyone to use for their characters. If you’re looking to worship a deity witha thematic or mechanics you feel are missing, feel free to #create-a-ticket with a deity submission.
Diety | Sanctification | Domains | Alt Domains | Weapon |
Aelia | can choose holy | fire, healing, sun, truth | duty | morningstar |
A’shir, the Fated Flame | can choose unholy | destruction, fate, fire, time | none | fire poi |
Axnos | can choose either | cities, knowledge, introspection, toil | travel | polytool |
The Brakeman | can choose holy | toil, protection, might, travel | metal, death | maul |
The Circle of Stars | can choose holy | healing, moon, star, sun | travel | sickle |
The Cheshire | can choose unholy | death, decay, cold | trickery | bladed scarf |
Derelis | must choose holy | ambition, protection, wyrmkin, zeal | duty | longsword |
Erimia | none | earth, nature, water, wood | fire, air | staff |
Fah’rin, The Howling Blizzard | can choose unholy | air, cold, perfection, void | none | kukri |
Fayne Lightfeet | can choose holy | creation, protection, travel, trickery | family | light hammer |
Golgolgoss, The Watcher | can choose either | death, decay, nature | undeath | hatchet |
The Grey Ocean | none | death, repose, water, fate | healing, introspection | trident |
Gunvald | can choose holy | duty, freedom, might, protection | none | spear or longsword |
Gutom, the Bloody Rose | must choose unholy | destruction, indulgence, might, nature | earth | bow staff |
Heleniel The Sin Seeker | must choose holy | cities, duty, protection, zeal | none | bastard sword |
Hestora | can choose holy | family, earth, fire, protection | none | shears |
Heures | can choose holy | time, vigil, wyrmkin, introspection | none | staff |
The Home of Hearth and Health | can choose holy | family, healing, fire, protection | none | spear |
Kohtalo, Patron of Fate Forgers | can choose holy | ambition, creative, fate, zeal | confidence | pick |
Krun Darr | can choose either | lightning, change, creation, destruction | dragon, might | scorpion whip |
Kujani | none | ambition, duty, freedom, perfection | dust | fist |
Levona, Duchess of Hell | must choose unholy | confidence, fire, trickery, tyranny | none | whip |
Lotus | can choose holy | change, healing, magic, protection | none | fist |
Luxandra, The Everbloom | can choose holy | creation, passion, protection, zeal | none | longbow |
Lysanthyr, the Unending Delight | can choose unholy | delirium, indulgence, passion, undeath | none | asp coil |
Diety | Sanctification | Domains | Alt Domains | Weapon |
Maiden of the Garden | can choose either | passion, wealth, time, luck | none | shield boss |
Manaat al-Karim | can choose holy | air, fire, dust | sun, freedom | wish knife or wish blade |
Mendastarum, Devourer of Truth | must choose unholy | delirium, knowledge, magic, tric | glyph | asp coil |
Nesdonin | must choose unholy | decay, pain, plague, swarm | death | dagger |
Nimane, the Forge Matron | can choose holy | creation, fire, metal, perfection | might, toil | longsword |
Noctune | none | change, moon, passion, water | delirium | trident |
Novissime, The Orchid Reaper | must choose unholy | death, secrecy, zeal | fate | sawtooth saber |
Oenos | can choose holy | confidence, indulgence, luck | none | fist |
The Path of the Great Spirits | can choose holy | family, freedom, knowledge, nature | none | spear |
Peko-Amuzo, The Trickster Prince | can choose unholy | change, indulgence, passion, trickery | abomination | polytool |
Riahn, He who Eclipsed the Stars | can choose either | cities, cold, darkness, wealth | dreams | dagger |
Seraphion, the Highest Throne | can choose holy | duty, protection, sun, wealth | none | flail |
Sinnesh, the Den Mother | can choose holy | creation, earth, family, protection | travel | light hammer |
Satya, the Peerless Seeker | can choose holy | truth, introspection, knowledge, change | perfection | talwar |
The Eyes | must choose unholy | abomination, nightmare, pain, void | none | war razor |
The Living Mandate | can choose either | ambition, destruction, freedom, wealth | none | dueling pistol |
The Three Sisters | can choose holy | healing, knowledge, truth, vigil | travel | polytool |
The World Weave | can choose either | air, earth, fire, water, metal, wood | none | wish knife or wish blade |
Trella, the Night Sky | can choose holy | fate, moon, stars, travel | void | starknife |
Unmortus, The Dead Guardian | can choose holy | cities, protection, soul, undeath | family | bastard sword |
Veskahule | none | abomination, creation, dreams, nightmares | soul, naga | urumi |
Xan’zyk, the First Incantation | can choose either | ambition, destruction, glyph, magic | none | stiletto pen |
Xeesis | can choose either | darkness, protection, secrecy, trickery | fate | injection spear |
Zegarek | can choose either | confidence, death, might, nature | earth, zeal | hongali hornbow |
Aelia was one of the most worshiped gods in the world before the destruction. She was loved not only for bringing light and heat to the world daily without fail, but was also worshiped for her offers of redemption to those who asked for it. Her worshippers believe Aelia came to be at The Beginning. She started out as a floating consciousness shooting through the endless void. Aelia wished to slow down and think for some time and so she changed her form to that of a large sphere. Realizing that she could change her own form, she attempted to create other forms to accompany her and soon she had created nine other spheres of all different sizes. The void was cold, dark, and lonely though and Aelia wished to create friends to play with and as such, she implanted different personalities in them.
Now the void wasn’t lonely, but it was still cold and dark. She created a fire so bright and hot and surrounded herself with it. Now there was light and heat, but it was too much for some of her friends, and so they had to move away from her, and this formed the Solar System with Aelia as the Sun, and her friends lined up continuously going circles around her. The planets are now worshiped as other gods with Aelia as their leader. Aelia’s clergy is generally very kind, passionate, warmhearted people and are known for healing those in need, no matter the personal cost, their truthfulness, and their endless patience.
Edicts destroy evil undead, protect the weak, provide aid to the sick and wounded, seek and allow redemption
Anathema create undead, create magical darkness, lie, deny a repentant creature an opportunity for redemption, fail to strike down evil
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill medicine
Favored Weapon morningstar
Domains fire, healing, sun, truth
Alternate Domain duty
Cleric Spells 2nd: blazing bolt, 3rd: fireball, 7th: fiery body
A’shir was once a god of fate and time, a god of diviners, worshiped by those wishing to see a glimpse into their own futures. He worked closely with the other gods in order to keep order in the world. That is until one day A’shir revealed a grim prophecy, that he would one day turn against the gods, destroying them and all their creations. The gods quickly grew fearful of A’shirs prophecy and swiftly imprisoned him deep within the plane of fire where they thought none would ever survive long enough to set him free. For ages he was imprisoned, the flames of the realm searing his flesh, it was not long before his understanding gave way to anger. With each passing year his rage grew until it mixed with the potent magics in the realm of fire, transforming him into a beast of fire and hatred.
Still bound by divine chains, A’shir now vows to destroy the other gods and all they have made for their crimes against him.
Edicts stoke flames, divine the future, help bring about the fated end
Anathema Put out flames, Worship other gods, attempt to escape your fate
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill occultism
Favored Weapon fire poi
Domains destruction, fate, fire, time
Cleric Spells 1st: ill omen, 4th: wall of fire, 6th: flame vortex
Axnos teaches that every crumbling monument and weathered relic holds a story waiting to be unveiled, a window into the past that illuminates the present and future. They serve as a patron deity for explorers and scholars, drawing a particularly devoted following among archaeologists and anthropologists. While Axnos’ followers would never hesitate to extoll the virtues of study and the reading of history, Axnos is most pleased when their followers take to the field, hold the holy artifacts of civilizations in their hands,
partake in the rituals of those unlike themselves, and stand in the ruins that once housed heroes of an era.
To read about the past is one thing, but to partake directly in it grants a knowledge of how much one shares in common with their forbearers that a book could never impart. This pursuit of the past also serves to humble many of Axnos’ followers and reminds themselves they are a small footnote in the grand tapestry of civilization. In the same way they study the artifacts of the past, someone in the future
may study the iconography and rituals they hold dear today. Axnos’ holy symbol depicts an hour glass surrounded by a serpent devouring its own tail.
Followers pray to Axnos in the hopes of being granted opportunities to explore forgotten locales, for safety from what lurks in old ruins, to remain humble and aware of how small their part is to play in civilization’s story, and to one day uncover the past with the same level of divine insight and perspective unburdened by lived experiences. By emulating Axnos’ humility, thirst for knowledge, and respect for the past, their followers deeply appreciate similarities to bygone peoples, engage with the history and stories that shape the world they live in, and are more well equipped to navigate an unknown future and avoid the pitfalls past peoples fell into.
Edicts unearth the veiled histories, partake in local customs, document the past, keep your curiosity unbound
Anathema desecrate historical sites, be intolerant of other cultures, remain willfully ignorant, spurn past societies
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill society
Favored Weapon polytool
Domains cities, knowledge, introspection, toil
Alternate Domain travel
Cleric Spells 1st: share lore, 3rd: hypercognition, 7th: retrocognition
The Brakeman started as a figure of rumor and folklore among rail workers: when an accident was avoided through seemingly miraculous means, they’d credit an anonymous “Brakeman at the switch.” When misfortune befell management who had treated employees badly, it was credited to the same figure with “The Brakeman is watching”. Over time, the superstitious invocation of the Brakeman became an actual cult, invoked to watch over the safety of public works, those traveling by mechanical conveyance, and to bless labor movements and wildcat strikes. Some Brakeman stories associate the figure with guiding the souls of the dead to the afterlife, gathering them aboard a phantom train as it heads towards what they dub the last stop.
Edicts Protect others on vehicles, assist with large infrastructure projects
Anathema Trust Management, use forced labor
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill athletics
Favored Weapon maul
Domains toil, protection, might, travel
Alternate Domain metal, death
Cleric Spells 1st: carryall, 4th: sliding blocks, 7th: heaving earth
The Circle of Stars is a loose pantheon of celestial deities of both day and night. It is worshipped primarily by agrarian cultures who place heavy reliance on their community’s safety. They recognize the union of the sun, moon, and stars as important as the union between seed and soil. The sun provides their crops, the night provides their rest, while the moon and stars keep them lit well enough to keep watch over their fields. Different communities and individuals may value different gods or goddesses within the pantheon differently, placing a greater emphasis on love or celebration of newcomers, or on maintaining a purifying fire in the face of the undead. Regardless, those who worship The Circle of Stars form strong bonds with those around them, and will do anything to keep them safe.
Edicts foster community with bonds as bright as stars, heal the downtrodden, improve your talents for the sake of your community, celebrate your bonds regularly
Anathema turn away a weary or wounded traveler, allow harm to come to a member of your community through negligence, maintain bonds with those who do not honor yours
Pantheon Members Aelia, Noctune, Trella
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill medicine
Favored Weapon sickle
Domains healing, moon, star, sun
Alternate Domain travel
Cleric Spells 1st: protector tree, 2nd: blazing bolt, 6th: blanket of stars
The final goddess of an unknown pantheon. Records suggest that she was just another goddess of the end, set to reap souls. Until her rebellion, spurred by but a single question. There are claims that all she wanted was a bit of fun, a bit of variety. The rest of the pantheon, purportedly took offence. Wile the rest of the history remains murky, one thing has been ascertained… the question which started it all? The question which brings Chessie to town? “Would you please… die for me?”
Edicts have fun, play pranks, make jokes and enjoy yourself, always prioritise your own needs and desires
Anathema failing to fight for your freedoms, control the life and deaths of others at the behest of an institution or god, concern yourself with the plights of others to the detriment of yourself
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill acrobatics
Favored Weapon bladed scarf
Domains death, decay, cold
Alternate Domain trickery
Cleric Spells 1st: snowball, 4th: chroma leach, 8th: horrid wilting
Derelis was a very ancient, powerful dragon that died many years ago. Stories tell of his crusade for justice, peace, and honor among men and dragons alike. He is a patron to good dragons and any others commited to doing the right thing.
Edicts better yourself and the world around you, protect the weak, help others fend for themselves
Anathema attack an innocent, use vile or cruel language
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy
Divine Skill diplomacy
Favored Weapon longsword
Domains ambition, protection, wyrmkin, zeal
Alternate Domains duty
Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 3rd: reflective scales, 7th: prismatic armor
Erimia, The Wild Mother, Mother Nature, she has been called many names. She protects all that grows and all that is born from the earth.
Edicts guide civilization to grow in harmony with nature, live sustainably and according to natural cycles, preserve areas of natural wilderness, protect the balance of nature, protect endangered species
Anathema cause damage to natural settings, kill animals for reasons other than self-defense or sustenance, remove an element or indigenous species from a natural area, encourage imbalance in nature, allow abuse of natural resources
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill nature
Favored Weapon staff
Domains earth, nature, water, wood
Alternate Domains air, fire
Cleric Spells 1st: summon animal, 3rd: wall of thorns, 6th: rose’s thorns
Every year, as the winters of the north end, stories of the cold months find their way to the cities of the countryside. Many stories claim that the howls on the wind during blizzards were accompanied by a feeling of being watched by something just out of view. Stories of Fah’rin tell of a massive wolf-like deity that seeks to halt the world; burying it beneath layers of snow and ice, perfectly preserved, perfectly still. Followers of Fah’rin can often be seen carrying her unholy symbol, a wolven face with an open maw, its fangs made of ice.
Edicts sculpt ice into vicious shapes, do not fear the cold, perfect yourself
Anathema create fires for warmth, intentionally melt ice, harm a wolf that has done you no wrong
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill survival
Favored Weapon kukri
Domains air, cold, perfection, void
Cleric Spells 2nd: rime slick, 5th: howling blizzard, 7th: frigid flurry
Fayne is a deity of small folk, trickery, crafting, and hospitality. In a world run by bigfolk, and even bigger monsters that cause terror and destruction, Fayne teaches small folk of all ancestries to use cunning, guile, wit, and charm. Fayne preaches to be kind but always be prepared. Fayne encourages to provide comfort to those in need, if you have plenty it is your duty to provide to those who do not. However not everyone is kind and you must be ready. Using traps, poison, or whatever else you can to protect yourself and those in your care. Fayne often stays in Elysium but travels across the planes reminding larger Deities to remain humble.
Edicts be skilled and clever, defend friends and the innocent, engage in mischief that doesn’t harm others, create useful or beautiful items
Anathema abandon a friend in need, deny someone shelter or food, suffer a bully’s insults to you or another without retort
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill crafting
Favored Weapon light hammer
Domains creation, protection, travel, trickery
Alternate Domain family
Cleric Spells 2nd: mirror image, 3rd: haste, 4th: creation
Some say Golgolgoss came from the first sunbleached skull, others say they sprouted with the first tree, but those who know of the deity can agree they have been watching over the cycle of life and death from the beginning. Appearing as a giant figure shrouded in a cloak of leaves with a head made of many different skulls in the shape of a majestic moose skull, they stand vigil over nature’s role in the world. Despite their appearance and duties, they are a Jolly being with a laugh that sounds like dry leaves in the wind. Rarely appearing to civilization at all, this deity will teach those in wilderness to survive and create life, and that death is just as important as life and should not be feared. Even Undeath serves its role to Golgolgoss as the creation often leads to new soil brought to the surface, and their decay will continue to foster new life. Artificial constructs are considered an affront to the deity, being seen as a mockery of life that contributes nothing to its cycle.
Edicts bury a seed or body every day, protect new life, teach others to survive
Anathema create constructs, end life needlessly, disrespect the dead
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill survival
Favored Weapon hatchet
Domains death, decay, nature
Alternate Domain undeath
Cleric Spells 1st: summon plant or fungus, 4th: bursting bloom, 6th: tangling creepers
The Grey Ocean is a place: a beach made of seaglass, a great sea full of silted water and the dissolving wreckage of soul matter as it decays and reforms and joins the cycle anew. When undead are created, material is removed from Her purview, damaging the tide of life and death. Great beasts lurk in Her depths, the psychopomps the easiest to understand among them, but greater things hiding somewhere beneath Her waves. She is a home to all, a cradle, a tomb. One day, She will crash in on herself, the placid water giving birth to something new, far beyond death and souls. She is the gateway, the path, and the resting place at the end of the road. She is the knife. She is the meal. She calls.
Edicts Destroy undead, help others through painful changes, respect the dead
Anathema Create undead, destroy recorded knowledge, pollute a body of water
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill nature
Favored Weapon trident
Domains death, repose, water, fate
Alternate Domain healing, introspection
Cleric Spells 1st: endure, 2nd: quench, 4th: grasp of the deep
Gunvald is one of the first gods and a somewhat enigmatic figure. He is the god concerned with the formalities of war—especially treaties, and sacrificed his hand for humanity’s future.
Edicts fulfill your duties, oppose those who unjustly lord power over others, act with dignity
Anathema refuse to give aid to an ally, enforce an unjust law
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Skill diplomacy
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Favored Weapon spear or longsword
Domains duty, freedom, might, protection
Cleric Spells 1st: anticipate peril, 3rd: perseis’ precaution, 7th: contingency
The Bloody Rose is less of a god and moreso an entity that demands worship — an amalgamation of carnivorous plants and predatory animals seething with malice and blight in equal measure. When it goes unmaintained, crops wither, oceans rise, and hideous things crawl from the depths caked in black loam to enact its vengeance upon an innocent world. Its priests include crazed leshies and dryads bursting with putrefaction and vegetative tumors, a hollow sort of glee moving in their eyes. Some others, living in harsh and dangerous regions like Briarmurk, simply worship The Bloody Rose in hopes of gaining even a shred of its might. Is this truly divinity, or some monstrous parasite readying to burst from under the earth?
Edicts Test yourself against nature, make animals and plants more dangerous, use what you kill
Anathema Cower from fights, cut down a tree
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill nature
Favored Weapon bow staff
Domains destruction, indulgence, might, nature
Alternate Domain earth
Cleric Spells 1st: summon plant or fungus, 4th: murderous vine, 6th: nature’s reprisal
Heleniel is a beacon of hope for those who have lost all. She protects the weak and absent, and encourages her faithful to fulfill their duty in doing the same. She represents balance and justice. She is a favorite of those with little means, and is at the heart of new civilizations and their expansion. Her symbol is an eye and a bleeding dagger.
Edicts protect the weak, encourage the righteous, vanquish evildoers, be a bastion of the people
Anathema abandon those in need, attack without just cause, allow sinners to go unrepented
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy
Divine Skill society
Favored Weapon bastard sword
Domains cities, duty, protection, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: liberating command, 4th: mountain resilience, 7th: planar palace
Hestora is a deity of the home, of earth and flames. She grants guidance to those who wish to provide safety and rest to others. She prefers to let her actions, and food speak for her. Stories say Hestora was formed from the ashes of the first flames. It was there she built the first fireplace and where she calls home. Inviting all for safety and comfort.
Edicts appreciate a warm hearth, protect the home, teach communities to defend themselves, harvest with skill
Anathema deny support to loved ones, sow discord in a community, allow harm to come to children, refuse to provide for the family or community
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill diplomacy
Favored Weapon shears
Domains family, earth, fire, protection
Cleric Spells 1st: ant haul, 3rd: shape wood, 4th: elemental gift
Heures is the dragon deity that possesses the wisdom of ages. Heures is said to have grown so old and wise she ascended to godhood to guide all beings as they age. Her worship was continued as small cults across the world. Much of the cult’s time was spent documenting the lives and wisdom of the elderly. While the cataclysm destroyed much of the recorded wisdom, failure is a chance to try again with wisdom.
Edicts guide others through transitions in life, acknowledge Wyrms as mighty beings, consider the opinions of elders
Anathema avoid personal change, desecrate or destroy knowledge, be idle in your learning
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill society
Favored Weapon staff
Domains time, vigil, wyrmkin, introspection
Cleric Spells 1st: friendfetch, 3rd: time jump, 5th: stagnate time
The Home of Hearth and health is a pantheon envisioning the three members as a family of siblings. The home is a chaotic place made up of individuals with different opinions and goals but when all members of a home work together to create a safe and positive place to live then all can flourish. Worshippers take this idea and try to embody it in their home and communities. Worshippers of the home foster growth and empathy while also protecting the home from cruelty and threats. The faith of The Home forms both in places surrounded by comfort and those in need of it.
Edicts provide aid to the sick and wounded, teach communities to defend themselves, defend friends and the innocent, appreciate a warm hearth
Anathema allow harm to come to children, deny someone shelter or food, deny support to loved ones, create undead
Members Aelia, Fayne Lightfeet, Hestora
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill medicine
Favored Weapon spear
Domains family, healing, fire, protection
Cleric Spells 1st: ant haul, 3rd: haste, 5th: elemental gift
Kohtalo is the goddess of ambitious souls. One of the oldest and initially, most obscure Goddesses, through her own efforts and the efforts of her followers she’s gained greater recognition. Kohtalo was a Goddess of dreams, often overshadowed by other deities, but through completing a set of several challenges and tasks she was granted greater influence. Through this experience she gained an appreciation for ambition. She blesses those who seek to forge their own fate and defy the odds, especially underdogs. Unlike many deities that effect fate, she gets a great deal of amusement from those who don’t accept their fate, often putting her end goals and involvement in the lives of mortals at odds with other fate deities. Kohtalo’s favored weapon is the pick, signifying the desire to create a new life and path for oneself. She resents anyone who chooses a life of complacency or takes advantage of those weaker then themselves as it poses no challenge and doesn’t better anyone.
Edicts better yourself by your own efforts, pursue fame and glory for your achievements, crafting, reward yourself for your achievements.
Anathema abandoning projects or work, accepting charity, victimizing the weak or helpless, accepting bad circumstances, complacency or not having an ambitious life goal
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill crafting
Favored Weapon pick
Domains ambition, creation, fate, zeal
Alternate Domain confidence
Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 4th: entangle fate, 7th: contingency
Not a particularly well-known deity, Krun Darr is nevertheless deeply respected by those who know of them and admire their might. Their chosen form is remarkably variable, yet always reflects their own power, often versions of powerful creatures, but occasionally something less expected – a stormcloud spanning the sky, an immense mechanical creation, or a mighty weapon built from metal. Regardless of their form, Krun Darr is invariably crackling with lightning and power, and tends to carry hints of blue and bronze coloring. This coloring has led to speculation of a connection to dragons and their deities, and indeed, both bronze and blue dragons are known to worship Krun Darr, while even those who do not worship them consider them a being who commands respect. Yet Krun Darr’s origins and connections to other deities are still not fully understood.
Edicts use your power to change the world around you, relish in the presence and sound of lightning, encourage those who change themselves
Anathema waste energy or effort, consider yourself or another restricted by their form
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill athletics
Favored Weapon Scorpion Whip
Domains lightning, change, creation, destruction
Alternate Domain dragon, might
Cleric Spells 1st: shocking grasp, 3rd: lightning bolt, 6th: chain lightning
One of the eldest gods known to civilization, Kujani believes that he and his fellow divines have no more authority over souls than mortals do. Although he participated in the creation of mortal life, Kujani abandoned his children shortly after, leaving them with nothing but a decree that they should live to improve themselves for their own sakes, and a promise that he would free them in the afterlife for doing so. Kujani has never answered a prayer, performed any miracles, or attempted to reach out to his followers in any way (beyond his last decree), believing mortal autonomy to be more sacred than his own power and influence. His clerics do not draw their powers directly from Kujani, but from a wellspring inside themselves that Kujanite philosophy unlocks. It is said than when a mortal dies, their soul stands before Kujani as he administers final judgment. Souls who dedicated their lives to the development of mortalkind are awarded eternal freedom from the whims of the gods, while souls who consigned themselves to divine enslavement are abandoned by Kujani, to be fought over by the other deities.
Edicts pursue self-improvement, cooperate with others, uphold promises and responsibilities
Anathema cheat agreed-upon rules or trust, invoke Kujani’s name for vanity or influence
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill society
Favored Weapon fist
Domains ambition, duty, freedom, perfection
Alternate Domain dust
Cleric Spells 1st: endure, 4th: mountain’s resilience, 7th: contingency
The Duchess of Hell worked her way through the ranks, proving to all with the right deals power can be grasped. However, though power can be grasped, Levona keeps a tight grip on Hell, showing no mercy to those that would attempt to wrest it from her.
Edicts come out ahead in contracts, show no mercy to those beneath your station, be subservient to those above you
Anathema break a contract, show mercy, insult Levona in any way
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill deception
Favored Weapon whip
Domains confidence, fire, trickery, tyranny
Cleric Spells 2nd: blistering invective, 4th: wall of fire, 6th: mislead
Specific doctrine on this divine being is lacking since the end of the world, even the name is a placeholder based on second-hand information. What is clear is that their followers pursued physical improvement and discipline to defend, restrain, and heal. Seeking always to offer the wicked the option to forgo their previous ways, redemption of evil is held above its destruction. The most valued follower is one who once persecuted the Lotus.
Edicts forgive those who have wronged you, seek redemption and encourage others to do the same, embrace balance
Anathema cause lethal harm to a living humanoid or beast, deny a repentant enemy the pursuit of redemption, encourage a non-combatant to fight, especially one who has retired from such a lifestyle
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill diplomacy
Favored Weapon fist
Domains change, healing, magic, protection
Cleric Spells 1st: soothe, 4th: containment, 6th: wall of force
Before destruction befell Elleaterra, Luxandra was the matron goddess to artists, performers, and lovers the world over. Since the end times, her followers have clung to hope that she still hears them, giving them the inspiration to still create even though the world is bleak. She revealed herself commonly through a well placed brush stroke, an impeccably put together outfit, or through acts of true love. Her followers, few as they may be now, still hold to these ideals so that the Everbloom may once again brighten their lives.
Edicts create works of art, dress as well as one is able, appreciate beauty in all things, actively seek improvement, foster and nurture love
Anathema destroy a work of art (unless saving a life in the process), be slovenly in one’s appearance, let one’s abilities languish, interfere with genuine love
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill crafting
Favored Weapon longbow
Domains creation, passion, protection, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: dizzying colors, 4th: creation, 5th: cloak of colors
The sweet scent of roses catching your nose, the taste of honey dripping upon your tongue, the sinuous sensation of silk on your skin; these are the blessings of Lysanthyr. As old as consciousness itself, Lysanthyr is a truly ancient deity of sensation, pleasure and vanity. He expects his followers to seek out new experiences, enjoy existence and the partake in the pleasures it offers. The body is sacred to Lysanthyr and followers are expected to take care to preserve and perfect their bodies, for the body is the vessel by which the mind can derive pleasure from the world. To this end, he is associated with various cults of undeath and immortality. His worship rose to particular prominence in the nation of Varceta, where the ruling vampires often made sacrifices in his honour in hopes of being blessed with fleeting glimpses of their reflections. To know if Lysanthyr holds your heart you need only ask one question, ”Would you like to live deliciously?”
Edicts indulge your senses, embellish your beauty, preserve your body, gaze upon your reflection
Anathema shatter a mirror, practice asceticism, waste a meal
Divine Font heal or harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill diplomacy
Favored Weapon asp coil
Domains delirium, indulgence, passion, undeath
Alternate Domains healing, pain
Cleric Spells 1st: illusory object, 4th: confusion, 5th: synesthesia
Long ago the Great and Noble Janni Manaat al-Karim established a grand city in the great southern deserts. For several centuries this long lost city was a hub for trade, magic, and intellectual discourse. The city became home to many genie and their kin. Her brother, jealous of her success, poisoned her drink causing her to fall into a deep sickness. For a year and a day her people prayed for her recovery. At the end, their prayers were answered and she ascended. Angered that his plan had failed, her nameless brother cursed the city causing it to fall into ruin. Manaat was unable to prevent the destruction of her life’s work but was able to protect many of its citizens as they fled. Sadly the curse lives on preventing her followers from ever reestablishing their holy city. Since these ancient times Manaat has continued to protect and guide her people as they have shifted from cosmopolitan citizens into semi-nomadic tribes making ends meet in small villages and trade caravans throughout the deserts they call home.
Edicts To care for and promote the diaspora, to make honorable trades
Anathema To make vows, to use poison, speak her brother’s name, to serve an evil genie
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill performance
Favored Weapon wish knife or wish blade
Domains air, fire, dust
Alternate Domains sun, freedom
Cleric Spells 2nd: invisibility, 4th: airlift, 7th: fiery body
The Maiden of the Garden considers mortality to be a form of entertainment more so than anything else, lounging amongst her attendants as they view the goings on of humanity from her plane of Evermeadow. Before the Cataclysm, many prayers were sent her way from hopefuls desperate to find a lifelong relationship, widows desiring dreams of their loved ones, or parents hoping to use their children to marry upwards in society. If it suited her whim, the Maiden would occasionally grant these requests for matches and a match blessed by the Maiden would stand against all trials save for divine intervention. Occasionally these matches would be made out of spite or simply because she deemed it amusing… Oftentimes such matches are those you’d read of in history books. Ever since the world fell, prayers to the Maiden have dwindled, but thankfully affairs of the heart are never far from mortal thoughts. It would seem even in the darkest times, love finds a way.
Edicts seek love whether romantic or otherwise but never pursue romance unrequited, make decisions with the heart and not the mind, take every opportunity for a dramatic reveal
Anathema stifling feelings from yourself or others in favor of reason, hiding your presence by magical means, kill someone you consider an emotional rival
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill society
Favored Weapon shield boss
Domains passion, wealth, time, luck
Cleric Spells 1st: befuddle, 3rd: cozy cabin, 6th: cast into time
Once long ago, there was an angel named Seruline, made by a god of truth and compassion, revered by many. Seruline was kind and fair and always sought the truth in everything. As her kindness spread though, her shadow grew, and as she grew stronger so too did her shadow. Finally, on a celebration of this angel, her shadow rose up and consumed her, trapping her in magical bindings before her followers. In desperation, the god that created Seruline offered a deal to the shadow to release her in exchange for anything the god could provide, but the shadow had learned all the angel did, and with a simple trick changed the deal with the god, gaining all their power and consuming the pair. From that day Mendastarum became a god to devour all knowledge, replacing it with deception and misinformation.
The followers of Mendastarum never say his name directly, instead claiming the name of the angel he consumed as the source of their worship. Many come to Mendastarum seeking the knowledge to change or escape their deals or bindings, but more often than not they become tricked themselves, forced into servitude of this deity in exchange for broken pieces of the knowledge they seek. Others still come to Mendastarum with a desire for lost knowledge, or a desire to wipe out information, and willingly serve his goals in the hopes of reward. Whether forced or willing though, these followers seek out lost or hidden knowledge, learning it for themselves before destroying or changing it so no others can have it.
Edicts Spread misinformation, seek forbidden or lost knowledge, deface what you learn so others may not learn it
Anathema Speak the name Mendastarum to one that doesn’t know it, willingly share or be neglectful in protecting your secrets, correct a false assumption
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill deception
Favored Weapon asp coil
Domains delirium, knowledge, magic, trickery
Alternate Domains glyph
Cleric Spells 1st: pocket library, 3rd: secret page, 4th: rewrite memory
Nesdonin is the bringer of plagues and poisons. It appears as swarms of snakes, insects, rats, and other beings that bring pestilince or venom. It was worshipped by many cults across Elleaterra. People would also give offerings and prayers in hopes that it would spare them from dying to disease and sickness.
Edicts spread and nurture disease, use poisons
Anathema bury or burn the dead, kill a harmless pest, aid in ending a plague or infection
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill medicine
Favored Weapon dagger
Domains decay, pain, plague, swarm
Alternate Domains death
Cleric Spells 1st: goblin pox, 2nd: vomit swarm, 5th: toxic cloud
The Forge Matron appears as a tall, strong woman with goat like legs, and is said to live deep underneath a volcano, eternally perfecting her craft. Legendary tales say the strongest of all magical swords, armors, and other armaments are smelted under her blessing. Originally worshipped by mountain dwelling dwarves, Nimane grew in popularity due to the craftsmanship and skill of her followers. Now, her worshippers include all races of blacksmiths and craftsmen who value the quality of their work above all else, particularly those who specialize in weapons and armor. You can be sure a smith who worships the Forge Matron will deliver your money’s worth.
Edicts perfect your chosen craft, learn to use the things you make, respect other crafters, teach and learn freely
Anathema sell your work for less than it’s worth, give up on bettering your skills, make shoddy work on purpose, disrespect fellow honest crafters
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill crafting
Favored Weapon longsword
Domains creation, fire, metal, perfection
Alternate Domain might, toil
Cleric Spells 2nd: heat metal, 4th: weapon storm, 7th: fiery body
As fickle as the tides he created, Noctune is a god who favors himself and not much else. He is the patron god of many of the oceans’ creatures and creatures with strong ties to the sea, including merfolk, undine, and azarketi. He is wholly unpredictable and has constant mood swings, appearing as wrathful as a stormy sea at one moment and as calm as a still sound the next. Those who follow him are instructed to share in Noctune’s anguish as much as they share in his joy, and will often go swimming on calm days or shut themselves off from the rest of the world when the seas are choppy and rough. While not widely worshipped among the more common humanoid races, many popular sailor sea shanties were adapted from hymns of Noctune. Some of Noctune’s followers interpret his changing moods as madness, and believe that the god is incapable of resting as long as landwalkers roam the seas. This cult of Noctune is worshipped by monstrous ocean creatures who would rather eat landwalkers than share the oceans with them, such as sirens.
Edicts partake in the ocean’s bounty, sing songs in groups, share in both the joy and despair of those close to you
Anathema pollute or desecrate the ocean, keep positive or negative feelings for others a secret, enforce the laws of land cities on the ocean
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill performance
Favored Weapon trident
Domains change, moon, passion, water
Alternate Domain delirium
Cleric Spells 1st: hydraulic push, 3rd: aqueous orb, 5th: mariner’s curse
The god of assassins, Novissime is a well known deity in what was once the nation of Varceta. Their followers were known for their swords with blood-red handles and sharp blades. Some stories claim that Novissime became a deity by slaying another, known only as ‘The Orchid’, by using his razor sharp legs as weapons in a peaceful meeting. Due to their brutal nature, they are equal parts respected and feared, as their agents aim to uphold the image that the deity has earned. Novissime, however, is not a chaotic god and while they have a brutal side, they are also an intelligent deity, thinking before acting so as not to regret his decision.
Edicts Wield his favoured weapon in combat, openly show your worship through symbols and weaponry
Anathema Abandoning contracted work, recklessly rush into battle, show mercy to those you have sworn to slay
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill stealth
Favored Weapon Sawtooth Saber
Domains death. secrecy, zeal
Alternate Domain fate
Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 2nd: invisibility, 7th: true target
When the ancient world discovered alchohol, Oenos took his first drink. When the first songs were sung, Oenos applauded the loudest. Indeed it seems that as long as there has been merrymaking he has been there to enjoy it, even the oldest of races tells storys of a bronze skinned man who exemplefies the life of the party. Oenos’ following has never seemed powerful, or organized, though you would be hard pressed to find a tavern without his likeness somewhere. His teachings, of which there are many, center around being a gracious host and a grateful guest as has always been his way. These teachings seemingly passed down at random as priests encountered the god in varying states of drunkeness who only realized who had spoken it after they awoke the next day. This manner of divine intervention has always frustrated other more organized religions, some of which attribute the god to drunken hallucinations of innebriated priests and partygoers.
Edicts drink, contribute to the party, give sanctuary and sustenance to any who ask in good faith
Anathema refuse the hungry or poor, waste food or alchohol, be rude or disruptive to the host.
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill diplomacy
Favored Weapon fist
Domains confidence, indulgence, luck
Cleric Spells 1st: friendfetch, 3rd: cozy cabin, 5th: summon giant
“The Great Spirits” refers to an ancient deity whose name has long been forgotten and is now called by this collective title. The practice of worshiping them is referred to as “walking the path” and is mostly worshiped by tribal communities and those with more animist and ancestral worshiping tendencies that rely on the wisdom of those who have passed.
Those who dedicate themselves to walking the path of the Great Spirits see themselves as indistinguishable from the flora and fauna around them, and are therefore one with their ancestors buried in the lands on which they live. Since the Cataclysm, the survivors of those who walk the path have dedicated themselves to restoring the world to its natural balance and the return of others to their rightful ancestral lands.
Edicts perform rites and rituals for the dead, teach others how to live in balance with nature, create ancestral records, resist illegitimate claims to land or power
Anathema disturb the graves of others, needlessly destroy natural resources, intentionally destroy ancient relics, deny your connection to a lineage, deny others the right to choose
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill occultism
Favored Weapon spear
Domains family, freedom, knowledge, nature
Cleric Spells 1st: object reading, 2nd: speak with animals, 7th true target
Self-proclaimed prince of everything that is, was, and will be fun in this world, Peko-Amuzo is the “son” of a terrifying amount of different fiends. Or so he says. How he was conceived remains a mystery, but this amalgamation of different kinds of evil has made him mighty and utterly chaotic — so much so that his power steadily decreases whenever he isn’t entertained. Therefore, he often tries to switch things up. That is the reason why he enjoys creation so much: there’s always something new and exciting to make! While he may seem somewhat reasonable at first, helpful, even, it turns out that he only gives his knowledge to those who will either entertain him greatly, or who simply have ill intent and will cause trouble.
He has declared being quarter-demon, which is partly why he was mostly worshipped in Garn. Whether this is accurate is uncertain — after all, he also claims to be the creator of many things like trees, hedonism, or even pancakes, but that is most likely a tactic to draw the ire of many — one of his favorite hobbies.
Edicts Gossip, live a hedonistic existence, summon fiends
Anathema Soothe someone’s ire, put someone’s needs over your own, grow complacent and follow the same routine
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill crafting
Favored Weapon polytool
Domains change, indulgence, passion, trickery
Alternate Domain abomination
Cleric Spells 1st: agitate, 4th: translocate, 5th: synesthesia
Riahn, twin deity to Trella, was once known as the God of the South Star. His role in the sky was to offer alternate paths of travel to Trella, but over time people viewed Trella as the guiding star, causing him to be viewed as the star that would lead travellers astray. One day, the South Star no longer gave its light, leaving a void in the sky. Riahn is still there, watching, but as he moves through the sky, he sometimes eclipses the light of the other stars, going unnoticed by many but for the few who worship him this is seen as a good omen. Worshippers of Riahn typically involve those who act unseen, but are most definitely there, doing backdoor deals and looking for that which is hidden in the dark.
Edicts find hidden secrets, make and uphold deals, hide your worship, help those in need.
Anathema stealing from those with little wealth, selling secrets, not upholding a deal, giving up on your comrades.
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill thievery
Favored Weapon dagger
Domains cities, cold, darkness, wealth
Alternate Domain dreams
Cleric Spells 2nd: invisibility, 4th: translocate, 6th: blanket of stars
The prince fretting over his upcoming betrothal, the noble diligently hearing the pleas of their subjects at court, and the queen charging to battle to defend her nation - all do so at the whim of Seraphion’s divine decree. Deity of opulence, gems, and nobility, Seraphion teaches that those in power must wield it with wisdom and grace, and for the betterment of all their subjects.
From their shining throne at the apex of The Resplendent Court, Seraphion garbs themselves in glittering gems and golden robes; the perfect depiction of noble bearing. But while this opulence allows them to shine bright above their subjects, it is also a reminder of the weight of responsibility those in power must bear. Each gem reflects the dreams of their faithful and each carefully woven thread, the destiny of a nation. The Highest Throne’s worship reached far across Elleterra prior to the cataclysm. Within grand halls the aristocracy dutifully tended to shrines to their glory, within the streets the common folk brought offerings to their priests to bring the people’s plight to the ears of the nobility. Only the most corrupt and decadent nations denied The Highest Throne their due, so entrenched were their edicts in people’s lives.
Edicts take pride in your appearance, wear gemstones, consider the needs of those you have authority over, accept responsibility for your actions
Anathema refuse to listen to someone’s point of view, disrespect a gemstone, deny support to those under your care, neglect your duty to those you serve
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill diplomacy
Favored Weapon flail
Domains duty, protection, sun, wealth
Cleric Spells 1st: shattering gem, 4th: chromatic ray, 6th: wall of metal
The Den Mother is an ancient being who originally gained power due to the worship of warren dwelling Ysoki. She is a deity of earth, family, and crafting, usually depicted as either a matronly Ysoki woman or as a massive subterranean rat. Though still somewhat of a patron diety to many Ysoki clans, she has also become popular with all folk who live or travel beneath the surface, mine and utilize underground resources, or value strong familial ties. Her holy symbol is a rat, curled up sleeping in a snug den.
Edicts respect natural caves and underground spaces, value the knowledge of your elders, utilize the resources you gather, assist underground travellers
Anathema end the life of a child, let precious minerals or metals go to waste, abandon a family member who cherishes and respects you
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill crafting
Favored Weapon light hammer
Domains creation, earth, family, protection
Alternate Domain travel
Cleric Spells 1st: shattering gem, 3rd: earthbind, 5th: wall of stone
Satya was once a mortal ascetic, a human devoted to the concept of objective truth and self-rule. In his enlightenment, and subsequent ascension, he learned the most valuable truth: that there is no objective truth. There is only the truth of the individual, each person has their own truth, and it is folly to peddle the lie of an ‘objective’ truth. Satya also learned a second truth: that despite there being no objective truth, the truth is still an absolute value of our reality.
Ever since his ascension, Satya’s godly overview remains in his mortal devotion, reigning as a god of Truth, Complete Self-Rule, and Harmony. As the strict pursuit of the truth leads to self-rule and harmony of one’s self and environment. The clergy of Satya traditionally use their pursuit of truth to collect and spread lost knowledge, teach others beneficial concepts that they otherwise wouldn’t know, and lastly, defend the world from those who seek to desecrate the truth with petty lies.
Satya’s monks traditionally carry a holy symbol shaped into a circular mirror with engraved Chrysanthemums.
Edicts Find your personal truth, look within yourself and hone your mind, body and spirit, Seek and undo as much misinformation whenever possible.
Anathema Threaten another to accept the truth, willingly spread misinformation or hide your truth, let your desires cloud your mind/practice hedonism
Divine Font heal or harm
Divine Sanctification may choose holy
Divine Skill diplomacy
Favored Weapon talwar
Domains truth, introspection, knowledge, change
Alternate Domain perfection
Cleric Spells 1st: liberating command, 3rd: hypercognition, 6th: mantle of the unwavering heart
Lurking in the deepest reaches of the sea, The Eyes watch, The Eyes wait. The Eyes share knowledge with any who seek it. For those that touch upon The Eyes truth are forever reshaped, and their souls forever marked by madness. The Eyes know all, and see all, but require it’s followers to seek more madness and fear, to learn more secrets of the unending void. For only in the rantings of a mad broken soul, can the truth be seen. The eyes followers attempt to destroy the minds of others, for a broken mind serves as sustanance to The Eyes, although the followers do not know this. The Eyes cares not for it’s followers as long as they continue to feed them with broken minds and knowledge. As long as madness exists in the world, The Eyes will always be waiting.
Edicts spread fear and madness in your foes, learn secrets
Anathema take hostages, remove madness or fear, destroy secret knowledge
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill intimidation
Favored Weapon war razor
Domains abomination, nightmare, pain, void
Cleric Spells 2nd: paranoia, 4th: vision of death, 7th: mask of terror
The Living Mandate is an unseen manifestation of mortals’ rejection of the natural world and all it entails. They have existed since the start of the very first civilization to stray from the wilds, to carve its place unto the world and rise above the rest, growing as more and more have followed. Called by many names or philosophies they exist as an ideal or guiding deity in various cultures. Long ago, many believed that they watched over all civilization, ensuring progress at any cost. Though lacking any major allegiances, they heavily favour those who seek to innovate, to change, to seize their destiny. They have come to be characterized by ambition, progress and liberty. However, there are always two sides to a coin and with unrestricted progress comes greed, destruction, war and more. Still, always, The Living Mandate always sides with unrestricted advancement regardless of consequences. Now their worshippers include a variety of individuals from all backgrounds, good or bad, each seeking to manifest their destiny.
Edicts Create personal and societal improvement, grow your lands, accrue wealth
Anathema give to charity, join a workers union, hoard wealth without use
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill intimidation
Favored Weapon dueling pistol
Domains ambition, destruction, freedom, wealth
Cleric Spells 1st: liberating command, 4th: translocate, 7th: planar palace
Amongst the younger deities of the world, the Three Sisters were not widespread worshiped in the land like other gods. Those who did discovered them through their experiments and observations of the world. Each Sister has their own interest, based on the three main areas of worship, but no one can tell each Sister apart as they are identical triplets with no individual names or styles. Some outsiders believe that there is only one goddess, as most worshipers only ever meet one of the Sisters if they ever do something to earn their presence. Only true scholars or heroes have met either two or all of the Sisters, usually when great discoveries have occurred. Few know what their personalities are like, but they have been described as eager to learn and easily excited by new experiments and findings about the world.
Edicts learn new truths about the world, heal those who are wounded, create and discover new formulas
Anathema destroy knowledge you come across, torture an enemy, wallow in entropy
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill nature
Favored Weapon polytool
Domains healing, knowledge, truth, vigil
Alternate Domain travel
Cleric Spells 1st: soothe, 3rd: hypercognition, 5th: strange geometry
The World Weave represents an animistic respect of the six elements and the awareness that they are the foundation of the world as we know it. It did not start as a deity - its followers would offer their shrines and prayers to the world at large, to spirits as small as a leaf in the wind to the grandest of storms. But some sought to put name to the concept of the elements, to truly symbolize them, and from that, six greater aspects were born. Not all agree with the existence of these ‘greater aspects’, while others claim to know these aspects by more intimate names.
The Blazekeeper: Igniting fervor in the hearts of mortals, they are the crackling symphony of a roaring
wildfire and the hiss of smoldering embers, embodying the flame of passion that consumes both in fury and
in ardor.
The Timberheart: Guardian of the woodlands, they nurture the spirit of the forest, found in the rustling
whispers of leaves and ever sturdy trees.
The Skydancer: They craft the very winds that shape the skies, an ethereal weaver of clouds and breezes,
orchestrating the dance of the heavens with the chimes of their song.
The Metalforge: Master artisan of the divine forge, they mold the essence of metal, infusing strength and
resilience with every clang.
The Earthshaper: With a touch that rumbles through mountains and valleys, they sculpt the landscapes,
holding the earth in their mighty grasp.
The Oceansong: Enchanting with the melodic rhythms of the seas, their voice echoes in every crashing wave,
embodying the ebb and flow of life’s eternal tides.
Few followers of The World Weave can truly claim to perfectly balance their respects for all the elements, despite it being considered the true way of practice. It is living nature to lean towards a narrower subset. Still - though they may not pray to them in equal measure, most endeavor to have a shrine to all six elements.
Edicts find beauty in all displays of the Elements both mighty and subtle, honor the Elements in equal measure, respect that devotion to the Elements is as dynamic from person to person as the Elements themselves.
Anathema benefit from the Elements influence without thanks, forsake an Element for exclusive devotion to others, disregard extreme manifestations of the Elements without investigation.
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill nature
Favored Weapon wish knife or wish blade
Domains air, earth, fire, water, metal, wood
Cleric Spells 2nd: elemental zone, 4th: elemental gift, 7th: energy aegis
Trella is a lesser-known deity of thoughtful travel. She encompasses the inky black and starlight of the night sky. Trella provides navigation for the lost. Her guidance directs travelers and enlightens minds. Her moving the moon and stars in the sky remind us to move and explore existence. Her celestial patterns provide insight into the future directions of the world. Worshippers of Trella come from many walks of life but all have a thirst for exploration and self-improvement.
Edicts travel the world to learn about yourself, aid and provide charity to others on physical and spiritual journeys.
Anathema be complacent with your position or situation, horde wealth, lie to travelers.
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill occultism
Favored Weapon starknife
Domains fate, moon, star, travel
Alternate Domain void
Cleric Spells 1st: tailwind, 4th: translocate, 6th: blanket of stars
Often depicted as a soldier armored in skulls and bones and a sword with his blade between his feet, Unmortus is revered as the god of eternal vigilance and the one who never fell. Long ago, in the beginnings of civilization, he was worshipped as a god of protection and the homeland and the protector of the heavens. He was restless and unyielding to his duty to the heavens, right until his unfortunate demise against a forgotten enemy. However, from his death, he rose again and kept his watch in unlife. Unfortunately, due to his new undead nature, his name fell into obscurity, with only a few nations knowing of him. Regardless, he keeps his vigil, even if the gods or mortals he protects despise him due to his nature. His followers pledge their soul to the defense of their nation, and connect it to the realm of the dead so that they can be risen in order to defend the nation long after they have perished. Sometimes called bone lords, death knights, or the living dead, they are often looked upon with mistrust and sometimes open antagonism. Stoically, they press onward. They work forever for their homeland, their every breath in service of its defense.
Edicts defend your homeland, improve your homeland, continue your duty by any means
Anathema abandon your nation, abandon your allies, disrespect your fallen comrades
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill society
Favored Weapon bastard sword
Domains cities, protection, soul, undeath
Alternate Domain family
Cleric Spells 1st: tether, 2nd: false vitality, 5th: wall of stone
A cave worm that was once feared by many and consumed all without prejudice, Veskahule eventually met its end. As its soul traversed its way into the Astral Plane, the notion of its existence being fleeting and its hunger satiated was detestable. Forcing its own dream to manifest, it began feasting on the dreams and nightmares of others, along with the feelings associated with them: hope, fear, aspirations. The endless torrent of creativity conjured by the mind allowing insight and understanding for what most would consider horrid. This new appetite transfigured it into a powerful and knowledgeable being, the name of Veskahule spreading throughout the other planes. Those who choose to worship them were gifted with the promise that their dreams would be fulfilled, but perhaps nightmares if it was beneficial. It’s appreciation for all creation draw in the outcasts of society, shunned by their appearance or have a desire to create what hasn’t existed before. Its appreciation for the mind and the capacity within, grant Veskahule a relatability to mortals.
Edicts To assist in making dreams or nightmares become reality, encourage the creation of new lifeforms and the evolution of all beings, appreciate the beauty even in the monstrous.
Anathema To cast judgement on others based on appearance, stopping the pursuit of growth for you or your surroundings, to dismiss dreams and nightmares as invaluable.
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill occultism
Favored Weapon urumi
Domains abomination, creation, dreams, nightmares
Alternate Domain soul, naga
Cleric Spells 2nd: feast of ashes, 5th: grisly growths, 7th: warp mind
When the first spell was uttered and the first runes were cast it created neither fire nor force; it created Xan’Zyk. As the first incantation entered the world, it did so in an avalanche of magical energy so potent that the spell itself gained not only sentience but also divinity. Xan’Zyk, named after the first two syllables of the primordial spell which birthed them, is the pursuit of magical power incarnate. They seek only to see magic used with little regard to the purpose it serves. They are just as content to see a fireball engulf a town square as they are to see a tyrannical lich disintegrated to ash. All spells are prayers to Xan’Zyk and it is said that with every spell uttered and every new ritual discovered their power expands. They are most commonly depicted as an ornate magical sigil or alternatively a spellbook shimmering with prismatic light. Xan’Zyk accepts the worship of any who can cast spells of their own power, however wizards in particular naturally gravitate towards The First Incantation. Legends claim that should the entirety of the incantation which birthed Xan’Zyk be uttered once more, they along with all spells which have followed them, would be undone.
Edicts strive to gain magical power, research new spells and rituals, use magic to solve problems
Anathema curtail magical research, destroy magical knowledge or spells, refuse to let another learn a spell from you
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill arcana
Favored Weapon stiletto pen
Domains ambition, destruction, glyph, magic
Cleric Spells 1st: force barrage, 2nd: embed message , 3rd: levitate, 4th: translocate, 5th: telekinetic haul, 6th: wall of force, 7th: warp mind, 8th: summon archmage, 9th: phantasmagoria
A relatively unkown deity, Xeesis is a god of secrets and hidden knowledge. They would often use their hidden knowledge to trick other gods for more secrets to possess. Xeesis is the god who hid away the goloma when the gods and demons arose to steal the eyes of all the races. Because what better secret than an entire race? They admire cunning and intrigue over brute strength, unless its all part of the trick; whether it’s to fool a farmer for the fun of it, steal secrets from a lich doing magical research, or pull off the ultimate prank of defying fate itself.
Edicts find hidden knowledge, protect secrets, mislead others
Anathema share secrets without reason, destroy knowledge, spread worship of Xeesis
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill deception
Favored Weapon injection spear
Domains darkness, protection, secrecy, trickery
Alternate Domain fate
Cleric Spells 2nd: invisibility, 3rd: oneiric mire, 5th: synesthesia
Zegarek was most often followed by the more bold of the hunters from the earlier days of Gornlar. His teachings encouraged his clerics to join the rangers and fighters in their hunting trips and bounty hunts. His Favored Weapon is the hornbow as it was often crafted from the pieces, usually the horn, of the largest of prey and forced their users to hunt from horseback or close by. The temples to Zegarek were often used as early hunting lodges where his followers would share stories of their hunts be they beast or humanoid in nature. They were also places where anyone could drop off bounties to be claimed or where merchants could make requests when certain animal meats were in short supply.
Edicts hunt with short ranged weapons, use every part of your kill, give your enemy a quick end, use eye contact to strike fear in your enemy
Anathema engage your enemy from further than 60ft, let your enemy suffer in pain, use torture to get what you want, forget your enemy’s face
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill intimidation
Favored Weapon hongali hornbow
Domains confidence, death, might, nature
Alternate Domains earth, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: tailwind, 4th: vision of death, 7th: true target